Gopets DS, anyone? 1gpaddicts

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Gopets DS, anyone? 1gpaddicts

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Gopets DS, anyone?

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Buckeye Sun May 09, 2010 1:44 pm

The one thing I have left of GoPets is my DS game. Does anyone else have it? I play mine all the time , after dusting off the top Gopets DS, anyone? Icon_wink

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by momtomaeghan Sun May 09, 2010 7:25 pm

Never got the DS game. Do you know if they are still selling it?

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Asynjur Sun May 09, 2010 11:00 pm

I don't have one, but I know from those who did play, that it still works stand alone, but the server to connect to other players was taken down by Konami (it's their game). That server was gone long before regular GoPets closed, actually. GoPets DS is still listed at Amazon as in stock.

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by stooooooph Mon May 10, 2010 3:31 pm

i haven't played my gopets ds game forever!

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Buckeye Mon May 10, 2010 6:40 pm

I saw some on Ebay, but I got mine in Gamestop when Gopets was still running.
Yeah I just now got mine connected to WiFi, and when I tried it it just tells me its connecting to the server, please wait. Haha its still doing that on my desk, I'm waiting for a miracle. Maybe because it has no back button at this point. Gopets DS, anyone? Icon_lol

I just started playing mine yesterday because I am having so much GoPets withdrawals!

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by PEZpirate Fri May 14, 2010 5:01 pm

Maybe if we bug Konami enough they will reestablish a server for it. I have the game, but the best part was being able to visit friends. I haven't played it since they took down the server.

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Buckeye Wed May 26, 2010 7:41 pm

I have never tried that, before we got a new router (I think thats what is is) it was nearly impossible xD But is it just where you go wireless with a friend that has a DS next to you? Or is it actually like the old gopets where it was lots of different people?

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by PEZpirate Wed May 26, 2010 8:21 pm

You could play with people on the other side of the world. It even used the old IKU system so you could chat with people that didn't speak the same language as you.

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Chiswick Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:01 am

:B Oh, I am tempted to order one off Amazon now if they still have it in stock. Too bad I don't have a DS.
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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by niquae Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:35 am

Chiswick, you can get a DS Lite for cheap/used (under $100) if you are not interested in the extras that the DSi carries such as camera and microphone and the ability to download games wirelessly from Nintendo's DSiWare shop.

The DS Lite is solely for playing DS and Game Boy Advance games. (Although there is a cartridge that allows you to browse on the internet, but I heard that it wasn't worth the cost of purchase, and to use free homebrew versions instead.)

The Nintendo DS is not just for children. Lots of adults play it as well, and Nintendo seems to be trying to expand their target to include adults with some of the "games" they have come out with such as Cookbooks and Fitness Training (not to mention the Wii).

Amazon Thread: DS for Adults II:

Examples: America's Test Kitchen: Let's Get Cooking, Personal Trainer: Cooking , Gourmet Chef: Cook Your Way To Fame, My Weight Loss Coach, Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010, Personal Trainer: Walking, Personal Fitness Women, Let's Pilates, Personal Fitness Men, Let's Yoga

You can also download free, homebrew games if you purchase a R4 card for the DS. Homebrews are not just games but also things like planners, to-do lists, drawing pad, notepads, and e-book readers. I haven't found a homebrew e-book reader that is particularly sophisticated though so I prefer to just read using 100 Classic Book Collection for the DS (which I confess I illegally downloaded a couple of years ago *sheepish*).

I think many adults like to play with the DS on their commutes, when recuperating from illness or surgery (or just poor in health), or when waiting in doctors' offices. I myself play on my commutes when I am not reading.

To try out games (legally), you can rent them from GameFly:

Video Game stores such as GameStop allows you to return a game after a few days so you can also try out games that way.

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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

Post by Chiswick Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:54 pm

Thanks for the information, niquae! I need to focus right now since exams are happening but I'll go shopping once it's over... Gonna see if I can get a copy of GoPets first though.
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Gopets DS, anyone? Empty Re: Gopets DS, anyone?

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