GoPets download? 1gpaddicts

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GoPets download? 1gpaddicts

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GoPets download?

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GoPets download? Empty GoPets download?

Post by Buckeye Wed May 12, 2010 8:01 pm

Hey again!
I was just thinking, is there a link to where you can still download GoPets? I'm just curious and I want to poke around in the files and folders. I've searched around but the only ones were websites where you had to buy a month subscription.
Thanks =)

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Age : 27

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Daeninn Thu May 13, 2010 8:24 am

As far as i know the only website that hosted the setup was the main one.But i have the setup saved on my PC and now on a hosting website :DI downloaded it a few days before they closed down.
Tumbling Fiend
Tumbling Fiend

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Buckeye Thu May 13, 2010 7:20 pm

Aaw, Bummer. Doesn't work, I guess it has to have a server to connect to?
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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Daeninn Fri May 14, 2010 9:05 am

What doesn't work?The link or to install the game?

It won't work for the game to update since the server is closed.
Tumbling Fiend
Tumbling Fiend

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Buckeye Wed May 26, 2010 7:39 pm

Late reply
It wouldn't download, I got to the 'open / save file' popup and whatever I did it wouldn't happen. I can live, thanks for the help though c:

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by audioburst Wed May 26, 2010 11:27 pm

I miss goPets. D: I want it back - so you have to pay if you want to download it? I miss it so badly - It was the best online MMO the Internet or otherwise has ever seen. GoPets download? Kopfschuettel I want to try to download it.


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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Asynjur Thu May 27, 2010 3:18 am

audioburst wrote:I miss goPets. D: I want it back - so you have to pay if you want to download it? I miss it so badly - It was the best online MMO the Internet or otherwise has ever seen. GoPets download? Kopfschuettel I want to try to download it.
No reason to pay to download the game. It doesn't work without
a server, there was never a stand alone version. Your pets aren't there because you can't connect to your account
without a server, few graphics files since they downloaded as needed when you played the game. (If you never deleted your old copy
of GoPets off your computer, one that had been played, you could at least find some graphics
files if you looked through it.) Erik is hoping to buy back the game eventually, and he kept all the code, so if he does that you may have a chance to play again some day.

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Glowstick Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:17 am

I feel like crying right now, I really miss this game. I still have it downloaded, maybe i'll go through the files.


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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Jessicat Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:41 pm

Someone should start up a private server :B But that would still require the ability to hack through the programs and such...which I have no idea how to do, lol. I'm really annoyed that Godance can't be played offline with the default pets to choose from, because that game was just so fun ;_;

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by niquae Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:48 am

Wow. Private server sounds like a great idea. Very Happy Nice to see you again, Jessicat. How've you been? What have you been up to?

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GoPets download? Empty Re: GoPets download?

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:58 pm

If only there was a way to be back on Gopets...


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