Hi...I miss Gopets... 1gpaddicts

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Hi...I miss Gopets... 1gpaddicts

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Hi...I miss Gopets...

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Hi...I miss Gopets... Empty Hi...I miss Gopets...

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:28 pm

Hello everyone
I used to be on Gopets in 2006 but I had to leave it in 2007 because my old computer wouldn't let me use it at that time...When I finally got one that works I wanted to go back on it....but everywhere i searched I couldn't find it... No

I miss Gopets...I was always fasnated on how my cat Tigera (named after a cat I used to have who looked like a tiger Razz ) would walk around my desktop..I used to enjoy that site a lot.. my money can be refunded...but not my memory or time...I wish I had more time on Gopets Crying or Very sad


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Hi...I miss Gopets... Empty Re: Hi...I miss Gopets...

Post by Gankaku Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:59 pm

Yes we miss it too. But you have a place to go to talk to other players. We all stop in here once in awhile to say hi and see if anyone's posted anything new. Welcome here and I hope you stop back soon! Feel free to post pictures of Tigera, if you still have some.
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Team Player

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Join date : 2009-10-24

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