Is there any chance of gopets coming back? 1gpaddicts

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Is there any chance of gopets coming back? 1gpaddicts

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Is there any chance of gopets coming back?

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Is there any chance of gopets coming back? Empty Is there any chance of gopets coming back?

Post by betzy809 Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:05 pm

Well, I know we all miss gopets and we are all optimistic and hope that it will come back. But realistically, is there any chance of GP to come back? Is there any chance of gopets coming back? 39455

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Is there any chance of gopets coming back? Empty Re: Is there any chance of gopets coming back?

Post by niquae Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:45 pm

I don't believe so. It was sold to Zynga who seems to have no plans for it so far. Although Erik said he planned on buying it back later in the future, I think it is also possible that he might find another idea to work on. As it stands, I think he needs to recover more financially from his investments into GoPets before he makes any further decision regarding the GoPets repurchase.

I would like GoPets to come back - with all our information intact - but I am not going to hold my breath.

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