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Facebook Players warning... Empty Facebook Players warning...

Post by Miticante Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:48 am

Hackers abound on Facebook. The best ways to stay safe are:

In Privacy, make certain your email address is available ONLY to you. Email accounts are easily hacked with a cracker and often are, on FB. I see it, everyday...especially with attractive gaming accounts.

PM's. Never, ever click a video or outside link from your PM's. Even if you know the person well, it is possible they have clicked on a link and picked up a virus. It just isn't worth it. There are too many viruses out there that are developed just for social sites like FB. No Clickie! Suspect
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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:35 pm

I really tried to sign up for facebook, but right away I was disgusted by the privacy options. It's terrible that everything seems to be set to be viewable unless you go in and change it, the default should be to err on the side of caution.

When I signed up just now I'd put in my real birthday, assuming there would be a way to hide the year only, or the whole date. But the most restrictive option seems to be to still have it visible to friends, and it's lumped in with other info that's less sensitive all under the same setting. Don't they know having your real name and birthday are two of the mains things needed for identity theft? (I didn't use my real name, but that's what they want people to do so they'd both be viewable for most people..) So that means you couldn't add someone as a friend unless you were completely sure of their personality. Maybe I'm just not trusting, but that seems restrictive to me, not a way to reconnect with people. I probably wouldn't add anyone unless they already knew my birth date, so that would only be a relative or close friend. And there doesn't seem to be a way to change your birthday that I can find??

Still trying to decide if it's worth signing up just to play games.. Honestly, I don't even want to use "Asynjur" on there because that's way too identifiable as me, and I'm just getting to hate the whole facebook idea.. Sorry to be so negative.

Last edited by Asynjur on Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Miticante Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:38 pm

Facebook games are great, with a large dose of untruthfulness LOL. Very little of my info is correct and I manage to waste a lot of time there Very Happy
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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:44 pm

Well, I guess I'll have to disable the account I just made and try again.. I'm assuming I ruined that email address in terms of using it on other accounts, even if the account is disabled, anyone know?

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Miticante Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:02 pm

Not sure about that one, hon....but it looks like you can

It says there is an existing account associated with the contact email address that I am trying to add.
The contact email address you are trying to add to your account is alr...
The contact email address you are trying to add to your account is already associated with another Facebook account. Please note that you can only have one Facebook account per email address. If you proceed to add the new email address, then the original Facebook account associated with that email address will be removed from the site. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please click here.

So it looks like you can go ahead and sign up again, and the old account will be deleted.
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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:59 pm

OK, I think I found a way both to edit the birthdate and to make it only partially viewable, I just wasn't looking in the right place. I'm just too impatient, LOL. Well, anyhoo, my kitty from my WhiteElephant account on GoPets, Hodge Podge, now has her own Facebook page. She thought it might help her keep in touch with everyone since we won't be able to see her though the program anymore...

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Post by crystalpower Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:01 pm

anybody can add me on facebook. my facebook accounts are
1. Angel101177@hotmail.com
2. rubystarz102@live.com
3. purple34_twinkle@yahoo.com
4. purplezbow@hotmail.com
note: i have lots of gopets accounts. i dont know which gopets accounts are connected with which facebook accounts. When sending friend requests, metion gopets and your user name from gopets/godance.
thank you. have a nice day everyone. Wink


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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:26 pm

Crystalpower, I sent friend requests to all those accounts. Smile

I have a question about Facebook. When I post to my wall, does that go to the News Feed page for all my friends? I thought it did, but now I notice there's a post box right on the News Feed page, and I'm wondering if only what you type there goes to the News Feed (I mean other than all the goofy app stuff that seems to go there automatically).

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Post by MrFritzy Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:06 pm

If you post to your wall it goes to your Live Feed. Anyone on your friends list will see it. I don't really understand the News Feed....has something to do with older posts that FB thinks you might be interested in

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:45 pm

Oh? When I got to "Home" I get News Feed by default.. I just looked, I have to click a link to get it to change to Live Feed instead. I've never seen "Live Feed" before just now when I clicked that link! This Facebook stuff is very non-intuitive.. Thanks for the info!

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Post by pgourami Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:23 pm

Just in case, I set many stuff to "Only me" on facebook.


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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by KittyJuan Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:18 pm

Facebook recently redid their homepage.

The new News Feed is sort of like the old News Feed except that it is more intelligent. It lists recent friend activity but tries to help you cope with information over load by placing more emphasis on posts from people that your interact with most often and that you will likely be interested in.

The Live Feed is more or less identical to the old News Feed. It lists all friend activity in descending chronological order.

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Post by yew Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:04 pm

I've joined Facebook too. Welcome to add me, my facebook name is Firionna Sam. Below is the link to my profile page:


Hope it works..
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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:16 pm

Gotcha! You now have 1 friend. Smile

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by yew Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:22 am

Thanks Asynjur for adding me! Very Happy

Just share with you guys what I experienced today. Earlier on, I was on Facebook login page, trying to log in to Facebook. When I typed in my email, password, then proceed, I got a message from Firefox. Below is the message:

Facebook Players warning... Captur10

I tried a few times and still received this message, and I didn’t proceed. When I try again later on, I logged in to Facebook without delay.

The sentence “If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn’t continue.” alarmed me..

Has anyone experienced this?
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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:41 am

I've never gotten it. I have had some lag and connection problems today--it could be something as simple as the browser couldn't pull up the certificate, due to some kind of communication error. I'd probably just try again later, like you did, to be safe.

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:03 pm

Facebook's New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


Have you gotten the pop up about the new Facebook settings yet? I did, and this article backs up my impression, their stated goal of making the settings easier has little to do with it. They want an excuse to change everyone's defaults to share more info. You can change most everything back. (To find the "Only Me" options you usually have to select "Custom Settings" first, it isn't listed on the same menu level as settings like Friends and Public.)

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Phobos Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:42 am

I know what you mean, I made the mistake of putting real info there, cus that would make it easier for relatives to find me and know its me...
Bad mistake -.-
I just hope I don't regret this thing, lol!

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:38 pm

You can change your Facebook language to Pirate or Leet Speak, LOL. These two are in beta, and they aren't in the account options. But if you go to the bottom of Facebook page, next to Facebook ©️ 2010 it says "English (US)" or whatever language you are using. Click it and it will give you all the language options, even the ones in beta. I'm checking out English (Pirate) right now, it's pretty funny.

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:37 pm

The News Feed is hiding some stuff that isn't even from apps! I found a couple hidden pictures people had posted, and hidden "so-and-so is now a friend of" posts. Too easy to miss stuff now!!! Arg, Facebook...

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by momtomaeghan Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:00 pm

I find the whole News Feed thing overwhelming. I hide as many of the different games as I can, but there is still so much stuff coming thru mine. When I check my email and it says "So and so wrote on your wall" I never have any idea what it is referring to because I probably missed it in the giant mass of news feed items.

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:46 pm

momtomaeghan wrote:I find the whole News Feed thing overwhelming. I hide as many of the different games as I can, but there is still so much stuff coming thru mine. When I check my email and it says "So and so wrote on your wall" I never have any idea what it is referring to because I probably missed it in the giant mass of news feed items.
I find it helpful to check my profile page often. I remove/block all the stuff I don't care about, and see comments people wrote on my posts easily. My brother was complaining he couldn't post some kind of heart to my page, LOL, but it's better that way--so much easier to block everything you don't use. You don't waste nearly as much time, and you can find the stuff you really want. Smile

I have several links in my browser's toolbar, because the Facebook menus are a pain and it's easier to go directly to what I want. So these are the quick links I have right at the top of my browser -

FB https://www.facebook.com/
Yeah, just the main Facebook page is my first link.

FP https://www.facebook.com/profile.php
Link that shows you your own profile.

FN https://www.facebook.com/notifications.php
This shows you all your Facebook notifications on a full page, so you don't just have that tiny thing on the top of the page. Easier to sort through them and click them.

FF https://www.facebook.com/friends/?filter=ac
This is a quick link to my full list of friends, because it seems like a pain to get to that. (I'm thinking of adding a quick link to my newest friends, too.)

Req https://www.facebook.com/reqs.php
This goes directly to your requests page, the page with friend request and all those silly game gifts and requests, too.

Oh, and I have quick links directly to the apps I use most, too.

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by momtomaeghan Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:39 pm

Wow - Asynjur, those links are great! I can finally see what the heck is going on, lol.

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Facebook Players warning... Empty Re: Facebook Players warning...

Post by Asynjur Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:56 pm

Well, just about anything is better than their user interface! Whoever designed it was clearly insane. I don't know why they bothered to change the user interface a while back, to another UI that's just as bad or worse, LOL.

Oh, another tip, if you want your Facebook link to go to the FULL newsfeed, instead of just the people you interact with most, use this instead of facebook.com - https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf

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Post by Asynjur Thu May 06, 2010 4:16 pm

How to reclaim your privacy by disabling Facebook’s “Open Graph”

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