Facebook games I play 1gpaddicts

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Facebook games I play 1gpaddicts

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Facebook games I play

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Facebook games I play Empty Facebook games I play

Post by Buckeye Sat May 15, 2010 8:42 pm

Well, Just about every Gopets fan is on facebook to bug Zynga and so I did exactly that. In 2 or 3 days I found found a list of apps to play xD

  1. Happy Pets
  2. Happy Aquarium
  3. Happy Island
  4. Zoo Paradise
  5. Country Life
  6. Little Rock Pool
  7. Pet Society
  8. Sunshine Garden
  9. Birdland
  10. Bejeweled Blitz
  11. Sunshine Ranch
  12. Hatchlings

Wow. Haha I noticed how many I do play just now xD
(#11 is my fave Very Happy)

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Join date : 2010-05-09
Age : 27

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Facebook games I play Empty Re: Facebook games I play

Post by niquae Mon May 17, 2010 2:47 am

What are Little Rock Pool, Sunshine Garden, Birdland, and Sunshine Ranch like?

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Facebook games I play Empty Re: Facebook games I play

Post by Buckeye Mon May 17, 2010 11:09 pm

I heard Little rock pool was the most used fish app for Facebook, but its a game where you care for fish. Its unique in its own little ways, like you don't breed them, but every (lets say) 30 minutes you can collect 100 coins from one fish. You can also grow plants and when they are grown up you can harvest them. Decorate the tank, and instead of scrubbing it clean you pick up little trash left behind in it. They have really cute fishies Facebook games I play Icon_razz
I found Sunshine Ranch from one of my fb friends in Japan, so its in English or Japanese and it has all of the cuteness of Japan Facebook games I play Icon_biggrin Its not much of a garden but you have a ranch and a little farm. I haven't gotten to the ranch yet, I'm not the level for it. But I liked it because the layout and everything reminded me of GoPets. You can do little missions, harvest apple trees to chili peppers or cactuses. Its really fun, but the only bad part is that for me it takes forever to level up. (Been on lvl 3 for 2 days Facebook games I play Icon_lol )
Birdland is a boredom buster, I'd say. I joined because someone wanted a neighbor but I play it sometimes. You get a cage (Which you can decorate) and start out with parakeets (Spelling? haha) but you can buy pigeons, parrots or other birds. Its a breeding game, So thats how you get money. It has a minigame too, but thats all I can think of for that game Razz
Sunshine Garden is wayy different from Sunshine Ranch. It is a small garden and all you grow is flowers. You just grow, harvest and buy more, lol. You can steal flowers from other people and its easy to get by the levels because you can go on people's gardens even if they don't play so you can steal from them everyday.

Whoo! I could make a book haha! But I live on facebook now, so I find new apps all the time Razz

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-05-09
Age : 27

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Facebook games I play Empty Re: Facebook games I play

Post by niquae Tue May 18, 2010 1:09 pm

Thanks for the descriptions! I think I'll check out Sunshine Ranch and maybe Sunshine Garden. Smile

Posts : 333
Join date : 2009-10-10

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Facebook games I play Empty Re: Facebook games I play

Post by Buckeye Tue May 18, 2010 10:56 pm

No problem Facebook games I play Icon_biggrin Hope you like them

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-05-09
Age : 27

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