wanted: pet games 1gpaddicts

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wanted: pet games 1gpaddicts

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wanted: pet games

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wanted: pet games Empty wanted: pet games

Post by crystalpower Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:20 am

Does anybody know of any good websites for pet games? Like gopets, neopets, creaturebreeder? Will look at any. Also looking for some good RPG games to play.


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wanted: pet games Empty Re: wanted: pet games

Post by Gankaku Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:23 am

There's also Petpetpark.com (from Nickelodeon). I signed up last night and went around. They have a little dance game that's cute (you win points to spend on clothes or whatever) but it's definitely not as cute as GoPets. It's more Neopet-ish in an easier to figure out way. I never could do neopets - never could figure the crazy site out!
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wanted: pet games Empty Re: wanted: pet games

Post by blueblooded Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:24 am

hello Gankaku, hello crystalpower, and hello to everyone who is looking at this. Ever tried Earth Eternal? I have been stalking it since April 2009. Still haven't signed up. If you guys and girls have tried that game, tell me if it's a good MMO please? wanted: pet games Icon_cat we can choose to be an animal in MMO wanted: pet games Icon_rendeer no charge at all wanted: pet games Icon_jokercolor


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wanted: pet games Empty Re: wanted: pet games

Post by treguld Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:07 am

I play at Ponystars, Magistream (click on creatures much like valenth), Foopets (real life like dogs and cats. You raise, feed, water, play with and breed. Now has a desktop version so you can surf the net and have your pet with you. Even a dress up and fashion show.), and dragon adopters. wanted: pet games Icon_biggrin

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wanted: pet games Empty Re: wanted: pet games

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