2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver 1gpaddicts

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2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver 1gpaddicts

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2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver

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2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver Empty 2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver

Post by niquae Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:51 pm

Is anyone following the Winter Olympics this year?

I have not been following the Olympics for some years now although when I was younger I loved watching figure skating and gymnastics. This year, I decided to try to watch some of them. I found out that I think I would like to learn speed skating or some such. It looked fun. Very Happy And last night's Pairs skating was lovely. Found a lot of music that I liked.

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2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver Empty Re: 2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver

Post by momtomaeghan Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:46 pm

I watch a bit of them each night. I think the speed skating looks scary, lol. Every time they lean so far to the side they have to put their hand on the ice I think they are going to fall over.

I like to watch the figure skating, but I seem to have some sort of magical power that makes the best skaters fall on their butts, lol. It happened so often during one Olympics that I stopped watching them cause I felt guilty.

I really want to see the super high ski jumps where they do all the flips as those look so cool. I don't know when they're on though.

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Age : 59

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2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver Empty Re: 2010 Winter Olympics at Vancouver

Post by niquae Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:02 am

lol, m2m.

I found this website really helpful last night as I was watching the Pairs skating:

I read today on nytimes.com about the danger of ski cross and snowboard (yes, I have not been keeping up with the news). Not quite certain what those are but it makes me worried. I also found out today about the luger who had died. I feel so sorry for him and his family. It makes me worried that the Winter Olympics sports are becoming increasingly dangerous.

I had wanted to watch the 2nd part of the Pairs skating program but my professor decided to hold a make-up class for the class we missed on Wednesday due to the snowstorm. I only just got home about half and hour ago.

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