Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? 1gpaddicts

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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? 1gpaddicts

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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

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Do you eat ice cream in the winter?

Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_lcap67%Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_rcap 67% 
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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_lcap33%Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_rcap 33% 
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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_lcap0%Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 3

Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Empty Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

Post by niquae Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:03 am

Today I was thinking about having frozen yogurt for dessert. Unfortunately, fall nights have been really chilly and after sitting near an open window for dinner with ice water to drink, I was cold enough to shiver occasionally, cancelling my plan for frozen yogurt and going for hot coffee instead (it was pretty good).

I also have a voucher for an ice cream factory which expires February. I'm thinking that this is to encourage more customers during the winter, something I'm kind of loathed to do. But I know that some people enjoy eating ice cream in the winter. Are you one of them?

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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Empty Re: Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

Post by Gankaku Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:45 pm

Not good for our health to eat or drink freezing cold items anyway, let alone in the winter. So no. Smile (I do have ice cream sometimes in the summer, when it's really really hot!)
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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Empty Re: Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

Post by stooooooph Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:38 pm

if i am craving ice cream (which does not happen often..) then i just have some! i don't care what time of year it is Smile

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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Empty Re: Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

Post by niquae Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:02 am

I wish I had gone to get ice cream earlier. Now it looks like I need to go during the winter, in the cold weather, to use up the voucher I had purchased. :\

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Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No? Empty Re: Ice Cream in the Winter - Yes or No?

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