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Looking for info on FooPets..?

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:43 am

Some breeds are harder to pet than others. Try petting the forehead when he's up at the front. Sometimes it works better to hold the mouse button down as you pet.

You can have fun taking screenshots with the camera icon at the bottom of the pet window. A link to the photos *you* take (of your pet or someone else's) will show up on your profile page. And when you take a picture of your own pet, it will replace the thumbnail--so I try to catch a fun pose (if it doesn't work, just try again).

You can see pictures other people have taken of your pet, as well as the one's you've taken of that pet, by going into the pet's profile page http://www.foopets.com/pet/6843912 and clicking the tab that says Fotos (I guess they can't spell, LOL).

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by niquae Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:50 pm

lol. Thanks, Asynjur! Very Happy

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Miticante Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:54 pm

I added everyone who posted here and wasn't on my friends list...please don't forget to check your profile for add requests
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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by yew Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:12 am

I happened to come across these Foopets interviews on YouTube, sharing with you guys. Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 15379

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:39 pm

I don't usually use the desktop app, for one thing, it doesn't give you enough information about your pets status. On the website you can see if the bars, but on the desktop app it just says "No" for hungry and thirsty whether the bars are green or yellow. So you don't know if a friend just fed your pet and they won't need food for hours, or if the bars are low yellow and about to go orange. Plus I like to check on other people's pets, which you can't do on the desktop.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:04 am

Just filled out a FooPets survery with some
disturbing questions. It asked, among other things, how disappointed
you would be if FooPets closed, and what game you'd use to replace it.
But it also asked things like how they could make the game better.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by yew Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:15 pm

I just joined Foopets, finally! My username is Firionna. Welcome to add me! Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 15379 Below is my profile page:

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:33 pm

Great! Added you! Smile

I had to unfriend some people who didn't seem to visit their pets much--I was just caring for too many pets all the time. If you have a FooPet you aren't visiting, you might want to consider selling your pet, or deleting your account so the pet will go to the shelter and get a new owner.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Cakefun Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:54 am

Well I'm quitting FooPets...I just don't have enough time in the world with my other games plus its not the same as GoPets Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Icon_cry . I would be happy to transfer any of my pets to you just drop me a message on there under Cakefun.


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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:22 pm

I need a virtual pet to care for on the computer too, thanks to my obsession...
Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 76338Is foopets any good? It would help if you could give a rating out of ten.
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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:01 pm

huyendung wrote:I need a virtual pet to care for on the computer too, thanks to my obsession...
Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 76338Is foopets any good? It would help if you could give a rating out of ten.

The pets are cute. But there isn't a lot to do in the game, just play with the pets (a small number of animations to see) and care for them, decorate a little (there isn't much room), and you can play some mini games for extra FooGems. But if you can't log in twice a day to keep their stat bars up, there's really no point joining.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:29 pm

Asynjur wrote:
huyendung wrote:I need a virtual pet to care for on the computer too, thanks to my obsession...
Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 76338Is foopets any good? It would help if you could give a rating out of ten.

The pets are cute. But there isn't a lot to do in the game, just play with the pets (a small number of animations to see) and care for them, decorate a little (there isn't much room), and you can play some mini games for extra FooGems. But if you can't log in twice a day to keep their stat bars up, there's really no point joining.

Thank you for the in-depth summary. It may take time to be able to play after losing my kitties, but, thanks for informing me of foopets.
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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:05 pm

In case you're interested, of the games I've played since we lost GoPets, I like Pet Society the best.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:11 pm

Asynjur wrote:In case you're interested, of the games I've played since we lost GoPets, I like Pet Society the best.

That seems close enough. I will try it! Thank-you! Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 942433
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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by AndyShaeff Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:37 am

huyendung wrote:I need a virtual pet to care for on the computer too, thanks to my obsession...
Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 76338Is foopets any good? It would help if you could give a rating out of ten.

No. I strongly advise you NOT to adopt a foo pet, unless you can guarantee logging on daily, preferably twice daily at least, and don't really want to buy any items for it or take part in the forums. I would give it 2 out of 10. If you need a virtual pet, I would suggest Superpoke (preferably through Facebook as I understand you can keep the pet as a baby that way) or Pet Society (a Facebook app, I think), or possibly Moshi Monsters (no need for Facebook), since it seems that the people in charge understand more how to keep happy customers

Foopets has adorable pets and is addictive, but the owners are making it very difficult to enjoy the game. There are several things that they are doing wrong now, which I won't go into in detail here. Just trust me, unless you have plenty of time and aren't particularly interested in joining the community or having more pets or items, avoid Foo.



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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by AndyShaeff Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:46 am

Cakefun, I've pm'd you. Not sure if it worked right, as I'm a bit fumbly today Smile


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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Phobos Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:39 pm

pandas07 wrote:Also I found out there is a site called marapets...

No offense, but Marapets is bad.
The owner is a 16 y/o kid, who has had his server hacked at least once. Their "customer service" is terrible (I requested my user-name and pass back about, oh, 1 week ago, I have not heard from them yet, not even to know if they got the request or not).
The games are linked from other sites (so you are not playing IN marapets, but somewhere else), maps of the "world" makes no sense and the "art" is terrible.
I tried them for a while, I really tried but xP

You may like Nutrinopets and --- I can't find the other one I liked.
Of course, there's always Neopets, but you may want to stay away from that one also.
So far, Nutrinopets has been my fave, the only one I have staid at and actually spent real money on. I have been away from it for about 2 years due to other stuff going on (like WoW), but you might want to give it a try.

FooPets, meh.
I tried it but it just does not hold my attention.
I love cats, and miss them purring, thats the only reason I still have foopets. I hate the mew sound they have, but the purr? OMG!

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:46 pm

I unfriended some people in FooPets, because I have too many pets to feed. To be honest, I'm sorry I joined. Andy, I should have listened! And now when you unfriend, it asks you if you want to "unfriend and block" and there's no other choice except cancel. So I don't really want to block anyone, just can't take all the orange bars on my friends list, but apparently the only choice is to also include block. I don't remember it always being that way, damn I just hate the changes they've made to this game. Anyway, I hope no one will feel offended. I may be taking more people off my list later, too. If you have a FooPet and you don't play, you might want to consider selling the pet or just closing your account which will put the pet back in the shelter for a chance to be adopted.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Phobos Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:23 am

I am so sorry you are going through that, but what if you just disable foopets and start all over?

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:57 am

Do you play? Not sure if I can explain. I'm just saying I'm taking people off my friends list because I don't like to see cranky, hungry pets--no one is making me feed their pets, but if I see them (because they are on my friends list) I will want to feed them. And I just can't feed all these pets twice a day, LOL.

As for my own account, if I deleted my account, my pets would still exist, they would either be adopted by someone else, or just sit in the system waiting to be adopted. That's the only reason I haven't quit FooPets, I don't want to abandon them. Many people who adopt later abandon their pets, so even if I sell them or someone else adopts them, they may still end up abandoned. The pet has a page you can bookmark and it stays the same from owner to owner, the pets keep the same stats, one is a breed pet and it has links to all the pets in his family. So it is "the same pet" even though the new owner will give it a new name. And I don't want them to be abandoned, even though they are just virtual pets. If I didn't get attached to virtual pets, I wouldn't be playing these games, LOL!

So I guess I'm stuck playing FooPets until the company closes, and given the way it's been going, I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I wish they would change so the pets didn't have to be cared for 2 or 3 times a day to stay happy. It is just way too much of a commitment for a virtual pet!

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by treguld Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:37 am

I log on via desktop application myself. Though I do pull up my accounts pet info to make sure they are up to date on their flea treatments and to make sure my pets,playing,feeding, and watering took okay. I made my pets so that anyone who visits them can pet or play with them but not need to feed or water them. Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Icon_wink I have 7 pets, two dogs and five cats. two of the cats belong to my two daughters. I bought most of them on a Friday when I could pay with gems. I visit my pets twice a day. It only takes me about 10 minutes to feed,water, etc. Unless I groom them (for the extra karma points). Then it takes me about 30 minutes. I would play Petville but I fear that it would run up my bandwidth too much. Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 235737 Else I would try it for sure. I currently have their $4.99 a month deal that I get 50 foo dollars a month plus 5 a day. That way I can save up for future pets. I really want a Calico. I own 6 real life ones so, yeah I wants one online too. Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 841350

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Fri Jan 29, 2010 1:01 pm

No offense, but I absolutely hate it when people don't let visitors feed and water pets. You're checking them every day now, but what if you have computer trouble or whatever and can't get on? It doesn't reduce your karma at all for other people to feed your pets, you can still feed them as often as you like. If I ever try to browse pets, there are tons that need food and water, and those people who make it so I can't feed so I have to leave the pet distressed--I just hate it. I really do.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Phobos Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:31 pm

Yeah, I "play" but I am so fed up with their system I just don't go.
I see what you mean about the pet being abandoned, and normally it bothers me also, but when I compare:
a) getting irritated, annoyed and stressed out about going twice a day to feed it and play with it
b) Not being stressed out, even if that means not nice purr on my ears...

Sorry, but I choose b Sad
I'm a bad pixel-owner

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:32 pm

If you really never log into the account and no one else is feeding the pet, the shelter will come get the
pet eventually, but there is no set time and it usually takes months. So if you really don't play and aren't tempted to go back, you could speed up the re-adoption process (and why not?)

Either delete your account (at least the shelter will take care of the pet until/unless it gets adopted again), or put the pet for sale (you can post it on the FooPets forum). The min it allows to sell a pet is 20 FooDollars, and the dollars poof as soon as you have no pets on the account. But if you do one of those things, at least the pet may not end up abandoned.

In most games it wouldn't bother me so much, but with the realistic graphics I find it difficult. So that's why I'm urging people to go ahead and delete their accounts if they really don't use them and don't think they will go back.

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Looking for info on FooPets..? - Page 3 Empty Re: Looking for info on FooPets..?

Post by Asynjur Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:15 pm

Just want to clarify why I posted yesterday--The people I unfriended/blocked are people who have posted in this thread, so I'm apologizing here for blocking you. And it's also a heads up that your pets may be more apt to go to the shelter since I'm no longer feeding them. Miti, Andy, yew and others are also feeding some of them, and if they are feeding your pet, your pet won't be affected by me unfriending.

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