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World Of Warcraft 1gpaddicts

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World Of Warcraft

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World Of Warcraft Empty World Of Warcraft

Post by Ravynqueen Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:15 pm

I am loving World of Warcraft...if you haven't tried it, give it a go. There is somthing for everyone's different likes. I can't afford the monthly fee right now, so I just keep doing the 10 day free trial...LOL Very Happy p.s. It is not just about "war-ing"


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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Daeninn Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:12 pm

I used to play it.I love it.I think it's a great game.I wish i could afford to play again T_T
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by betzy809 Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Daeninn wrote:I used to play it.I love it.I think it's a great game.I wish i could afford to play again T_T
want to hug a hobo? they make everyone feel better Surprised

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by niquae Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:41 am

I get addicted to things too easily so I think it is smart of me to avoid WoW. Very Happy But I sure would like to try it out to see why people keep saying it is such a great game.

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Daeninn Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:31 am

Daeninn wrote:I used to play it.I love it.I think it's a great game.I wish i could afford to play again T_T

Laughing Not unless he/she gives me money to play Razz
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:07 pm

Ravynqueen wrote:I am loving World of Warcraft...if you haven't tried it, give it a go. There is somthing for everyone's different likes. I can't afford the monthly fee right now, so I just keep doing the 10 day free trial...LOL Very Happy p.s. It is not just about "war-ing"

Do you have to create new characters every time to keep reusing the free trial? Or do they let you do the trial over and over on the same account? I'm sorry to hear you can't afford it. And, no, it's not just about war--I'm trick or treating right now! I'm trying to get the Sinister Squashling for both my pet collectors. But you do have to fight to level, don't want to mislead anyone about that. I got used to the fighting pretty fast, though. And blizzyboo loves the game!

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Ravynqueen Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:14 pm

Asynjur wrote:
Ravynqueen wrote:I am loving World of Warcraft...if you haven't tried it, give it a go. There is somthing for everyone's different likes. I can't afford the monthly fee right now, so I just keep doing the 10 day free trial...LOL Very Happy p.s. It is not just about "war-ing"

Do you have to create new characters every time to keep reusing the free trial? Or do they let you do the trial over and over on the same account? I'm sorry to hear you can't afford it. And, no, it's not just about war--I'm trick or treating right now! I'm trying to get the Sinister Squashling for both my pet collectors. But you do have to fight to level, don't want to mislead anyone about that. I got used to the fighting pretty fast, though. And blizzyboo loves the game!

Yep AS, you create a different one each new trial. But what I have figured out is, it allows me to work with each different kind of character, so I can see what they each do and how they best work for how I play. The first few times I was frustrated because I would get to like level 7 and be so excited then it would stop. But I have just kept working it the same way (10 day) and my current character is at level 18 and gained amazing talents. I also get to visit different areas of the 'World" so when I do get to afford the 15.00 a month, I will be ready to go and know what I need to do to accomplish things. This is just my "plan of attack" Twisted Evil
p.s. Good to see you.


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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:39 pm

Oow, great way to beat the learning curve! I like to try new stuff, too, so I have toons of every race, class and profession. Of course I have way too many to level now, you're way is better!

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Ravynqueen Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:35 am

Asynjur wrote:Oow, great way to beat the learning curve! I like to try new stuff, too, so I have toons of every race, class and profession. Of course I have way too many to level now, you're way is better!

My most recent toon, a hunter night elf, got all the way to level 20, finally was able to obtain a mount (for a day lol) and a couple of pets. I have found that different people work better with certain toons...I thought I would do well with the warlock but I don't. I can't seem to get it leveled as well as some of the others. I pretty much decided when the "real" time comes, I will pretty much be hunters and rouges & palidans.... must be the "blood sport" in me...LOL *hugs*


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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:26 pm

I've had paladins and warriors the longest, and I'm probably most comfortable playing them. I'm trying to get my paladin to 80 since she's my oldest, currently only 67. I have a couple rogues, and enjoy those although I'm not that good at "sneaking" lol. I like playing shamans, and should really play mine more. I have a deathknight and I like her fine, but didn't really fall in love with the deathknight class as a lot of people have.

I love hunter pets--I have 3 hunters, lol--but I'm not that comfortable putting the pet in danger, which is really the point of having the pet. I feel bad if the pet dies and I don't! So I don't use feign death in emergencies, which would allow you to save your own life at the expense of the pet. But I do enjoy having the company of a pet while fighting, and like to pick out new hunter pets to adopt at Petopia Eventually I want to have a hunter high enough to have beastmastery so I can adopt a devilsaur

More recently I made a druid, mage, priest and warlock just to have one of everything. They are still pretty young so I'm not sure how I feel about them, although now that my druid is old enough to have cat form I like her a little better than I did before.

Sounds like you're getting to know the classes, that's a big part of the fun. Have you tried different professions? Herbalism is best for making gold at a low level. Just check what prices are the going rate on the auction house for the herbs you've collected, and undercut those prices a little to sell quick (since you never have much time!)

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:32 pm

I also play. Like Asynjur, I've made one of everything. My highest is a warrior but it's one of the classes I least like to play.

My faves:
DK - over-powered isn't good? Very Happy I love it

Least liked:
Priest - kinda eh to me. I wish I could get it higher; maybe I'd enjoy more

Ones I want to get higher but just can't:
Druid - takes so long to level - I'm sure it'd be great at 80!
Rogue: I keep trying them but can never get them past 20ish. I really want a high level one - they're great I think

WoW isn't my favorite game though. A lot of things are pretty frustrating for me, even though it's gotten a lot better with changes to leveling. It's an extremely stressful game for me and I find myself in this love/hate relationship with it. I almost quit for good last month, but my in-game friends begged me to stay a bit longer, so I did. I don't know how long it will hold out though - my finances right now are finding it impossible to afford the $15/mo fee, and I just am not in total love with this game.

The game I absolutely love is Oblivion for the PC. So when I stop playing WoW I'll be back to that and hang on their community forum. This is the game I crave to play and think about wistfully when I don't play it. That and GoPets. Smile
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:09 pm

I play WoW in a very casual way, avoiding most dangerous situations so it isn't stressful. I talked about this a bit on my LJ -

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:16 am

Wow Asynjur. That post made me feel so great. I felt like I'm not alone in having stress issues playing WoW. When I talk to other folks about it have been like "Why?" The games doesn't make them stressed at all. Lucky them, but not me. and I do notice when I play WoW and it's stressful, my blood pressure goes up 10 points (bottom and top nnjumbers both!) Having to control my bp anyway, I'm not interested in getting into stressful situations in-game either.

I do like to play battlegrounds sometimes - especially since we now get XP in the game. I try to stand back from the action and get off as many hits as I can. I like defending bases in Arathi Basin (and you now get 2x honor points for doing so!) Sometimes when it's really action-packed I can only get in a couple of BGs and then I'm done.

I kind of stopped playing my main on Gurubashi because of the pvp action. I moved over to playing on Fizzcrank (PvE) - really nice server! Then recently one of my Guru friends made a character on Ner'zhul (PvP) I took up a character there to talk to him but really liked it, so I've been playing it. I have to keep the attitude of if someone comes to kill me let them. I even stand there sometimes, trying not to stress that they're killing me, it's making me mad, making me waste time, that I can't get them, etc. I just go "Ho hum whatever" to myself and wait until I'm dead for the run back. Very Happy Is that bad?!

I also try to remove for myself the race-to-80 mentality. My friend on Ner'zhul made a character about two weeks after me. (Last month). I'm at level 55 - it's been fairly easy but is getting really much harder now and more stressful, which is why my leveling is slowing. He's at 80 already (last week!) and I really don't see how he did it. He played hours on end and into the night, I know.

I really want to get a character to 80 for the end game content. I had the one at 70 (which was the top level until WotLK) for awhile on Gurubashi. The daily fishing and cooking quests are fun and give good rewards. It's really an achievement being at the top and being able to do the daily quests and doing whatever you want, rather than stressful questing.

By the way how do you decide what questing is stressful? Do you just go in and try and area and if you're stressing there you leave? I think it's hard to level without doing some questing in harder areas. Like, I went to Blasted Lands the other day and came out of there very stressed. I don't know what it was there. Maybe the environment of the locale? Not sure. I don't want to go back.
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:34 pm

Just a quick note for Ravyn, or anyone reading along, even though people can get into stuff like Gankaku is talking about that sounds really complicated--you don't have to know any of that to play WoW and really enjoy it. You can just gradually learn to play your class, and gradually level and explore, and it's a lot of fun. Smile

Gankaku, I know what you mean about other people not seeing why it's stressful. Early on, I joined another guild instead of having my own, and I was trying to tell the girl that recruited me that the fighting made me tense. She didn't get it. Maybe the difference is that I didn't grow up with games like this, and I react more like I'm really in danger. (I wasn't even good at the video games they had when I was a kid, like Pong! I'm not used to realistic graphics and such.) An example of the stress--when one of my toons strays too close to the edge of a cliff, I get that little feeling you'd get if you almost dropped off a ledge in real life! I'm not afraid of heights, it's just that it triggers a real world response for me.

As for the leveling, if I'm feeling stressed I stay in a green area. I'm always playing on rest because I have so many toons, so the xp is still worth while. If I'm feeling more adventurous, and want to try a yellow area or something even harder, I buff up the wazoo!!! It helps that blizzyboo and I have all the professions, at some level, and our little guild vault always has buffs and enchants and such. I try to keep my armor and weapons pretty good, too. It's only my oldest toon who "has to" go into new areas--with any of the lower ones, I can chose to be adventurous and try something new if I want, but if I don't, I go to an area I already know--if I've done it with one toon, it's easier to do it with another toon at the yellow level. Not stressful when you know what to expect, and of course I have some favorite areas. And sometimes I don't even quest! Being an avid vanity pet collector, I always have another goal. Most of my toons (that are up to a high enough level) have made a couple levels killing whelps in the Swamp of Sorrows. Some may consider it a slow way to level, but for me the pay off of an Emerald Whelp would mean so much (never got it, though, had to buy it off the Auction House). And my oldest and my DK both made a couple levels killing oozes, no luck there, either, LOL. I have successfully farmed the Crimson Whelp and most of the raptors, and a couple other pets.

Last edited by Asynjur on Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just wanted to add the note about a guildie not understanding the stress..)

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:12 pm

I've never successfully farmed for a pet yet and had it drop. It takes a lot of patience! Very Happy

What I love is fishing. I want the Salt title. Now THAT's an accomplishment! I'd love to get all the achievements in that category.

I also have been staying in the green when questing (with this particular character) unless I know the quests and quest areas well. When I ventured into Blasted Lands (yellow for me) it was quite stressful and I decided to try to avoid that as much as I can from now on. It does mean more travelling and doing all the areas instead of just focusing on one area, but at least I'm less stressed.

Sometimes I wonder if the fact that your character is always running has something to do with the stress. I'm like you - nervous if I get near a cliff, nervous and flight-or-fight syndrome if I get attacked in world PvP, etc. I wonder if it's that "real world response" trigger that you were talking about.
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:31 pm

I don't keep up with the fishing achievements myself. I got "The Scavenger" the other day and had to look what is was, LOL. But another GoPets player, Blizzyboo, really loves the fishing! I got her a Fishing Chair loot card for her birthday, figured her crew would really appreciate it. I don't know how she has the time and energy, her leveling is waaaay beyond mine, she has 4 toons at level 80. Smile

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:58 pm

Wow 4 chars at 80 is pretty great! That would take a lot of time and energy.

Do you keep track of your pets on Warcraft pets? If so do you have a link so I can see all your pets there?
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:30 pm

My Alliance collector has the most. I add the out-of-game pets to her so I can get the highest number on one toon. (Hoping for 100 pet achievement by the time I get there--I want a title!)

But my easy going undead gal has a pretty good collection, too.

I didn't start collecting until Lich King, before that my toons had one favorite pet and maybe a couple others. I didn't put a lot of thought into who my collectors would be--I went with the characters that had the most interest in pets. But it would have been easier if I'd picked older toons, these are both middle children, LOL.

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by stooooooph Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:37 pm

niquae wrote:I get addicted to things too easily so I think it is smart of me to avoid WoW. Very Happy But I sure would like to try it out to see why people keep saying it is such a great game.

my thoughts exactly!

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:47 pm

New WoW mini holiday heads up! Starting this year, WoW has a Day of the Dead, Nov 1 - 2

That page is on the European WoW site, none on the US site that I can find, but the holiday is listed on the US event calendar. Day of the Dead takes place in the graveyards of the capital cities of each race.

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:40 am

Thanks for posting your pets pages link! I'm looking through all your pets now.

Here's mine on Gurubashi: I did get the Plethora of Pets (50 pets I think) and there are a few missing on this page. I'll have to go see what others she has. However, I'm not playing this character right now. I'm not the only one who really gave playing a warrior a good chance (to 71!) only to find out that there are other classes that can handle groups with aplomb and are just all around more versatile and more powerful. If we can ever have pally undeads she's getting a re-do LOL. I need to decide which of my characters are going to do this again (pet collecting) and make another account with Warcraft Pets. Very Happy

Thanks for the link about the Day of the Dead. I'm going to go check that today, especially for the pet.

Today I plan to have a Warlock Party with my co-locks on Ner'zhul and we're going to go do this quest together to get this Summon Doomguard - none of us knew about it (not even the 80's) because you have to actually either know about the quests, or happen upon the quest giver in Tainted Scar in the Blasted Lands. No one ventures in there at the Blasted Lands levels because there are all 61 elites back there. And it's dark. And empty - except for the 61 elite demons - creepy looking. Sad So it'll be fun to do that, with company along!
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:20 pm

Unfortunately, the Macabre Marionette is just a temporary pet for the festival, not a permanent pet that goes in your spell book. Sad

It would be a pain to have to restart your pet collection. I know the warrior is considered underpowered, in the first guild I joined there was a level 62 warrior banker, since she'd given up on the warrior, too (the cap was 70 then). I do intend to get my level 54 warrior herbalist to 80 eventually. I play solo, so group dynamics don't concern me, although obviously a duel wielding rage warrior can't bring down her foes as fast as my ret pally.

Good luck with your warlock party! Yeah, I haven't been to a lot of the out of the way places in Azeroth or even in Outland, instead my level 68 just went on to Northrend to try her luck there, LOL.

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Gankaku Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:30 am

So we had our warlock party Very Happy and got the Summon Doomguard. It's not what we thought - to summon you need four folks, and one dies as a result of summoning. I think it's saved mostly for bgs. Used to be used in the Field of Strife in Arathi Valley battleground but they gave the capability to locks, I guess.

Anyway did you see the new kung fu panda pet that folks have? It's pretty cute. I like the kung fu sounds. I haven't purchased one - I can't really justify the extra money now toward it. I will just click on other folks' pandas and have it do its moves. "Hwaaaah!"
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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Asynjur Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:32 pm

Oh, I was just posting about that in another thread, talking about different pay models for games and the new pets in WoW.. I have the new Pandaren, I like the bowing and some of the Kung Fu moves. Hard to see his little face under the hat. Half the price goes to charity if you buy before the end of the year. (Actually, if it's like most ties ins, like Lean Cuisine meals for breast cancer and such, they probably have a cap on the donation that will run out before the end of the year, I haven't looked up the fine print for the WoW thing. But they are giving some money to Make a Wish which is always a good thing.) It's only the Pandaren that's tied to charity, the little Lich isn't, but I don't like it anyway.

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World Of Warcraft Empty Re: World Of Warcraft

Post by Kimisue Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:19 pm

Aww guess I am gonna have to go buy the new pets now. The panda looks so cute. I have been playing WOW for a while now, my husband plays and all 4 of my kids have attempted to play but my two oldest play the most.

I have an 80 hunter tauren and I agree it is sad when the pet "dies" but I try not to look at it that way since you can revive it and its the same pet.

I have to many other toons to mention but only one of the others is an 80 and she is a blood elf mage.

I mostly do the end game raids with my guild although they raid way more then I can handle. With 4 kids its hard to do 3 hours 4-5 days a week. If anyone is on uldum look me up, i am Maianasha.


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