Woot! Woot! long weekend!! 1gpaddicts

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Woot! Woot! long weekend!! 1gpaddicts

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Woot! Woot! long weekend!!

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Woot! Woot! long weekend!! Empty Woot! Woot! long weekend!!

Post by betzy809 Fri Oct 16, 2009 1:14 am

well since im at school the ''9 weeks ended today" and all the staff and students are tired and want a brake....there is teacher work day! is a day where teachers are able to waste time of their lifes and missed the cuddliness of their family members to grade all the work of ungrateful little devils that are high schoolers like me Twisted Evil but im more in the sweet girl that teacher like...so im not so evil..so if you were a student, what would you do on a teacher's day long weekend?(i would..go to school with my friend's to bother our fav teachers Very Happy Twisted Evil )(notice the sarcasm and cynicism) =3

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Woot! Woot! long weekend!! Empty Re: Woot! Woot! long weekend!!

Post by smuggley Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:07 pm

lol betzy you wouldn't be normal if you weren't a little devil lol. We have teachers days down here in australia too except they are called pupil free day. They have to blame the kids lol but really it's an excuse for the teachers to sit around drink wine and relax


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Woot! Woot! long weekend!! Empty Re: Woot! Woot! long weekend!!

Post by huyendung Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:47 pm

smuggley wrote:lol betzy you wouldn't be normal if you weren't a little devil lol. We have teachers days down here in australia too except they are called pupil free day. They have to blame the kids lol but really it's an excuse for the teachers to sit around drink wine and relax

lol, of course, blame the kids Woot! Woot! long weekend!! 942433
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