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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see! 1gpaddicts

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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!

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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see! Empty Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!

Post by reelingisryan Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:59 am

Hey! I was having a nostalgic moment and was researching current Gopets activity, and found this forum!

I recognize a few names here, though most of you haven't posted in months/years! Ahah.

Anyone remember me? RIR? I miss making clothing for everyone's pets; those were the good 'ol days!

How has everyone been? Smile I miss our old GP community.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-08-27

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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see! Empty Re: Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!

Post by Gankaku Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:15 am

Oh wow!! Reelingisryan!!! WOW You had the best clothes! I still remember my doggie wearing one of your cutie outfits, and lusting after a few things that were very pricey!!

We miss the old GP community too. I guess we're all playing other games, but nothing like GP. I've been in Everquest II (and Skyrim), some of us into WoW and others play the FB games (I did that for awhile but can't stand FB!) What have you been doing??
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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see! Empty Re: Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!

Post by Asynjur Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:17 pm

RIR! Yes, I remember you! What have you been up to? I check in here once and a while, usually nothing here, sadly. I have a lot of GoPets friends on Facebook, I can pm you a link if you're on there (I don't like Facebook either but my friends and relatives are there, watcha gonna do). My Twitter link is in my sig. At this point I'm playing Warcraft, and unblocking a Facebook game once and a while (but usually my Facebook games are blocked, too much work). Life off the web is pretty good. We went on a couple trips this year, I saw some family I hadn't seen in years. On TV I've been watching Grimm and Breaking Bad.

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Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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Hi everyone!!! Long time no see! Empty Re: Hi everyone!!! Long time no see!

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