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 Edit: Good news! 1gpaddicts

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Post by MidnightOz Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:21 pm

Disregard this:
Hey everyone, nobody probably knows me Embarassed . I was SilverDiver Silver something OR MidnightOz(Probably not) on GoPets! I recently spoke to Erik, asking if there was a definite time he was gonna try to buy the rights back, he said no... Sad pale Just a simple news flash for ya all!

I spoke to Erik again Smile
Me: Hey Erik!
Me: I heard you were resigning from Zynga

Erik: Yes I did

Me: I was wondering if that means, that GoPets is gonna come back?
(Or something similiar)

Erik: Not immediately... but of course I do love GoPets and the GoPets style of games
Still have a left over dispute on the gopets.com URL

Last edited by MidnightOz on Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Better nows :))


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Post by KittyJuan Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:25 pm

I'd be surprised if it ever happens. :/

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Post by Chiswick Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:32 pm

Ditto to that. Still disappointing to hear though.
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Post by Gankaku Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:54 am

Boy am I behind. Wow I liked Super Poke Pets. I spent a lot of time decorating and collecting stuff in that game. People used to make some AMAZING artwork using the tiny items that you could buy.

I kind of left my pets on SPP when I stopped playing FB games. I guess I'll always think of them fondly. I liked my chicken, Betty! She was named after the Betty chicken in Animal Crossing, who ALWAYS stayed in my town. *love*

Boy. Why do all the pet games go away!?! *cries*
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Post by MidnightOz Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:09 am

Gankaku wrote:Boy am I behind. Wow I liked Super Poke Pets. I spent a lot of time decorating and collecting stuff in that game. People used to make some AMAZING artwork using the tiny items that you could buy.

I kind of left my pets on SPP when I stopped playing FB games. I guess I'll always think of them fondly. I liked my chicken, Betty! She was named after the Betty chicken in Animal Crossing, who ALWAYS stayed in my town. *love*

Boy. Why do all the pet games go away!?! *cries*
Well, since I talked to him, this does mean that GoPets will come back.


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Post by audioburst Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:44 pm

Very Happy



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Post by Ethan Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:39 am


Comment regarding Erik on that piece of news:

"Bethke was fired. He was a political machine, a hype man, not a manager, and his products reflected this fact. But in his defense, that is the type of people Zynga usually rewarded, it just happened that he got out-douched by someone else in the end."


Don't get your hopes up about the possibility of GoPets coming back. Erik was an awful owner who wouldn't let go of GoPets to someone else, that could of lead it to being more successful, as he was a selfish dofus.


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Post by Chiswick Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:56 pm

I got an inkling of that feeling when GoPets moved headquarters. That decision seemed like a really bad idea to me. :/
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