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Hello. ^^ 1gpaddicts

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Hello. ^^ Empty Hello. ^^

Post by Chancelle Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:18 pm

Hey there, I used to be a member for a long time.
I'm really unsure if I want to give out the name because I was super young and lied about a lot of things.
Heh, I probably drove a few people insane!
Don't remember much, don't really want to, but all I can say is that GoPets was an amazing game!
I heard the founder is working on bringing it back, so I'm looking forward to it, and I'm also looking forward to making some awesome friends here, since I'm now old enough to understand. c:

Posts : 6
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : Canada


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Hello. ^^ Empty Re: Hello. ^^

Post by Asynjur Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:32 pm

Welcome! Unfortunately, the forum is pretty quiet at this point. I check it once and a while.

Sad to say it, but Erik has gone on to other projects, and at this point there's really no chance GoPets will come back, sorry. Some of us are in a Facebook group. If you are on Facebook and want to join, let me know and I'll send you the group link.

Lately I've been playing a game off Facebook, called Here Be Monsters. It's kind of half way between GoPets and World of Warcraft, but it doesn't have fighting or the more difficult aspects of Warcraft. It's not a pet game, your little character looks kind of like an elf. http://www.herebemonstersgame.com/

Posts : 486
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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Hello. ^^ Empty Re: Hello. ^^

Post by Chancelle Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:02 pm

Asynjur wrote:Welcome! Unfortunately, the forum is pretty quiet at this point. I check it once and a while.

Sad to say it, but Erik has gone on to other projects, and at this point there's really no chance GoPets will come back, sorry. Some of us are in a Facebook group. If you are on Facebook and want to join, let me know and I'll send you the group link.

Lately I've been playing a game off Facebook, called Here Be Monsters. It's kind of half way  between GoPets and World of Warcraft, but it doesn't have fighting or the more difficult aspects of Warcraft. It's not a pet game, your little character looks kind of like an elf.  http://www.herebemonstersgame.com/

This looks really cute! I might try it out and see if I'll like it.
Also, I do have a Facebook here so if you like you can add me anytime. :3

Posts : 6
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : Canada


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Hello. ^^ Empty Re: Hello. ^^

Post by Asynjur Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:45 pm

Chancelle, sorry I didn't notice your reply. As you've noticed, it's not very busy around here and I just don't think to check it much. I should have said to PM me, since I think I still get emails if I get a PM on this forum. This is our GP Facebook group.


It's not very busy either, but you can find old GP friends in the group and add them to your Facebook friends.

I also started another social group on Facebook with some friends called Mind, Thought and Imagination. It's not all GoPets people but it is a busier group and you are welcome to join

Posts : 486
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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