Screenshots needed for a project! 1gpaddicts

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Screenshots needed for a project! 1gpaddicts

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Screenshots needed for a project!

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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by Daeninn Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:45 pm

I am trying to do a GoPets project which will include almost everything about the game.Atm it is just for me but if it will turn out as i hope i will make it public Very Happy

For this i am in need of screenshots of the 1st GoDance version (single player mode,loading screen etc),GoLand Map and old map (showing all the land types green,orange,grey),IKU icons and also seach goods images of any decoration items that existed or never been released (looking for the bigger images not the tiny ones they chnaged it to).

Also those that participated in the Kimbap event i would love some screens with your entries.I mean the first one not Explore with Kimbap.

I'd really appreciate your help on this Very Happy
Tumbling Fiend
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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by LittleDende Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:43 am

I think I might have some IKU images... I'll see what I can find!
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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by LittleDende Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:42 am

Hey Dae, are you wanting screenies of the IKUs in use, or just individual images of each?
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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by blueblooded Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:43 pm

hello, I've dug some out. Still yet to find loading screen of original GoDance, maybe I didn't take a screencapture...

Amano in single player mode at GoDance
Screenshots needed for a project! 445294a8
Amano could always win first position because other NPC gopets didn't have scores (that's nice)
Screenshots needed for a project! 66e7cdb5
It's time for Anna showoff
Screenshots needed for a project! Fbd5ab64
Johan is suppose to be dancing even he looks claim in this photo
Screenshots needed for a project! 07f2bbfc

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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by Daeninn Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:37 pm

Oh cool,tyvm Very Happy
Tumbling Fiend
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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by niquae Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:58 pm

Nice pictures of GoDance! I wish I had some but alas, I wasn't one for making lots of screenshots.

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Screenshots needed for a project! Empty Re: Screenshots needed for a project!

Post by Jessicat Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:40 pm

Oh, looking for GoDance stuff? Wish I saw this post earlier XD I have a few screenshots from the first alpha of GoDance up to the latest version; can't remember if I took/uploaded and screenshots of v2 though. Check it out here:
Be sure to check the subfolders too. I thought I had more, but that might be lost in my dead laptop ;>> sorry.
I also made this video showing GoDance playing with a custom song, and as many of the different dance animations as I could get my cat Cielo to do XD [just mute it if you don't like j-pop, rofl]:
Super late reply, but I hope this is helpful ^^;

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