You can use these emotes, if you like 1gpaddicts

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You can use these emotes, if you like 1gpaddicts

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You can use these emotes, if you like

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You can use these emotes, if you like Empty You can use these emotes, if you like

Post by LittleDende Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:46 am

I made these animated ascii emoticons ages ago, like 10 years at least, I bet... If you want to upload them to the website to use them, you can!

You can use these emotes, if you like Crying_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Kiss_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Punch_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Grin_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Shifty_Eyes_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Smile_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Swaetdrop_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Tears_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Thumbs_Up_Emoticon_by_LittleDende

You can use these emotes, if you like Tongue_Emoticon_by_LittleDende
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You can use these emotes, if you like Empty Re: You can use these emotes, if you like

Post by momtomaeghan Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:22 am

Very cute LD! You can use these emotes, if you like Icon_smile

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You can use these emotes, if you like Empty Re: You can use these emotes, if you like

Post by greendelight Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:12 am

Cuuute! :3 Thanks for sharing! :]

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You can use these emotes, if you like Empty Re: You can use these emotes, if you like

Post by Daeninn Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:54 am

Ah those are cool but we reached the limit on emoticons LOL Aperently they won't let you upload more than 90 or 100 which we did.

I guess we could try a poll or something to see which are the least popular emoticons then delete those and upload these XD
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You can use these emotes, if you like Empty Re: You can use these emotes, if you like

Post by niquae Wed May 26, 2010 11:50 pm

Wow. I need to crawl out of the DC thread some more. I just noticed these. So cute!

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