PetVille is live.. 1gpaddicts

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PetVille is live.. 1gpaddicts

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PetVille is live..

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PetVille is live.. Empty PetVille is live..

Post by Asynjur Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:11 pm

This is the one Erik said he was working on, right? Don't know if I'll join. I guess it depends on what people say. So, who is playing? What's it like?

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by MargoPongo Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:10 pm

I really have no interest in it. The pets that I have seen in people's posts on facebook don't even seem cute to me. Then two people said that they had to get their pets out of the pound when they logged back in. I am very sporadic with my facebook stuff so there is no way I will sign up for a game that will guilt me every time I log in.


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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Asynjur Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:29 am

So far I agee, from what people have said and the pet pics I've seen on Facebook, I'm not really interested. Most people who play on Facebook are just casual gamers, like you said, don't want something that needs constant care. I also saw a post about how pets can run out of "energy" and feeding doesn't bring it back. Zynga might adjust those problematic game mechanics as time goes by. But the graphics just aren't captivating me, not as cute as many other pet games.

And yet it seems like every hour, I see another GoPets person join the game. I think you and I are the only hold outs, LOL.

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by LittleDende Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:31 am

I really have no interest in it - it looks exactly like Pet Society, and I got bored of that game in less than a week.
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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by stooooooph Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:49 am

i won't be joining it... i am not interested at all.

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by niquae Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:14 am

I haven't joined it. I saw some GoPets people have but until today, I didn't realize its relationship with GoPets -- and Erik.

To be honest, I never liked logging on to Facebook and I've removed nearly all applications now but Mafia Wars and Bejeweled -- and even Mafia Wars is boring me.

Oh well. It's not as if I have time to play games anyway.

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Asynjur Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:44 pm

For a while the notices were popping up in the Facebook live stream all the time, as one GoPets person after another tried it out. But now I'm seeing hardly any, so I don't think it's become anyone's main game.

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by huyendung Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:23 pm

It doesn't seem interesting....I miss gopets! PetVille is live.. 801427
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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by betzy809 Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:04 pm

hmm... maybe i should try it out and fill people in on the suckishness

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by betzy809 Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:12 pm

the initiation is majorly annoying...the creating a pet hideously ugly..its sort of a lame fail imitation of pet society with another hint of fail imitation of trying to make it 3-d...they didnt even try making it 3-d they just added 'light' to make it look a little 3-d...quitting now

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:16 pm

betzy809 wrote:the initiation is majorly annoying...the creating a pet hideously ugly..its sort of a lame fail imitation of pet society with another hint of fail imitation of trying to make it 3-d...they didnt even try making it 3-d they just added 'light' to make it look a little 3-d...quitting now

hmmmmm, the game doesn't seem ite slightest bit interesting... PetVille is live.. 973494
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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Daeninn Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:08 am

Oh i just find that a cheap & ugly copy of Pet Society.Most Zynga apps are Playfish copies but this is the worst one so far.

I made an ugly pet and got bored half way through the tutorial Neutral
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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Cakefun Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:14 pm

Just looking at the pictures shows its a complete copy of Pet Society and takes up WAY top much bits. I wish there was a way Fb could prevent copies of games being made!


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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Miticante Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:17 pm

I loathe PetVille. My pet ran away to the pound and I left her there.

It's laggy. It's boring. It's WAY spammy. It's a cheap ripoff of PS...without the seamless use and cuteness.

I am fond of Pet Society....don't ask me why lol
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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Snowdrift Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:47 pm

Miticante wrote:I loathe PetVille. My pet ran away to the pound and I left her there.
PetVille is live.. Icon_lol PetVille is live.. Icon_lol
i found my thing in the pound and i have no intention of getting it out of there either.
youre all right, the pets are so ugly!

there is nothing drawing me into the game, its so boring. i get loads of gift requests for it though PetVille is live.. Icon_neutral and i just ignore them.

yeah i tried to make my pet the ugliest on purpose, but no matter what i chose, everything was equally hideous!
those little monsters of PetVille are not cute or fun in the slightest.

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PetVille is live.. Empty Re: PetVille is live..

Post by Phobos Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:26 pm

I found PetsVille before I even knew PS existed, right after I found out (the hard way) that GoPets was no longer in existence.

Quote from my hubby: I like the pets more than the pets in GoPets, but... that's about it (after this he quit. He finds it really amusing that his pet runs away, his picture is actually the screen you get when your pet comes back xD )

I like the style of my pet, but I am not fond of the rest. I like some of the outfits, and the new motorcycles. I like that you level fast and get gold fast. That's about it.

I hate how glitchy it gets, the fact that there's no interaction between the items you purchase and the pets.

Both of us dislike the fact that you can't interact, really interact, with other users, like you could in GoPets, and that you can't drop stuff into other peoples houses.

However, I still play. A lot more than PS... PetVille is live.. Icon_eek

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