Calendar 1gpaddicts

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Calendar 1gpaddicts

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Calendar Empty Calendar

Post by MrFritz Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:36 pm

We now have a Calendar activated and a new button on your Nav Bar.

To enter an event:

1. When you are creating a new topic,under the Calendar Topic, you will have "Calendar Options" under the post screen - this does not work if you reply to a post. There you can choose the date and the time of the calendar event as well as the duration.
2. Click on the Calendar on the Nav bar, click on the icon on the day you would like to enter an event.

An event will then be displayed for the according day(s) in the calendar.

Birthdays of forum members are automatically entered.

To View Events:

1. Click on Calendar on the Nav bar, hover mouse over event.
2. Click on highlighted day on mini calendar.

Posts : 57
Join date : 2009-10-09
Age : 65
Location : West Virginia

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Calendar Empty Re: Calendar

Post by MrFritz Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:27 pm


Posts : 57
Join date : 2009-10-09
Age : 65
Location : West Virginia

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