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TV shows 1gpaddicts

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TV shows

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TV shows Empty TV shows

Post by Asynjur Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:23 pm

Anyone watch V? How did think?

Or, what have you been watching on TV? Anything? Only play games? :O)

(Haha, it wouldn't let me use the topic "TV" too short!)

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by MrFritzy Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:35 pm

I watch too much TV...hince my alt TVJunkie, too many to list here but I like reality, drama, law. Sorry bout the limit on subject line , it has to be 4 charaters. If that becomes a problem I will change it.

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by Daeninn Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:13 pm

LOL i tried earlier but it was nothing on T_T Nd i ahve 35 channels Mad

I used to watch Dexter and DrHouse.But not very oftern sicne they were aired at night when there were ppl in BST Laughing
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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by momtomaeghan Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:19 pm

We record everything on the DVR now - don't know when I last watched a live show, lol.

Let's see - Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Dexter, The Tudors, House, Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Jon and Kate plus 8 (Jon better hope he never meets me in real life), CSI (the real one), Dollhouse, Heroes (haven't caught up this season though), Lost, and plenty more. Just started watching King of the Crown (about a man's pageant coaching business) and it is absolutely hilarious. Started watching V too, looks good so far.

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by betzy809 Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:42 pm

i play games AND watch TV and study all at the same time Very Happy multi tasking is fun!

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by Gankaku Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:59 am

I used to not watch much tv. I haven't liked much that's on.

However, my tv viewing has increased since last year (me not working). So:

With my son I watch: Avatar The Last Airbender, Penguins of Madagascar, and other various shows that he has on (usually iCarly at the moment).

With my daughter I used to watch The Office - she got me into it. She can't watch anymore - too busy with school+work - so I watch it. Very Happy I look forward to seeing it because it's so off-the-wall.

With my husband, we watch Westerns together. I've discovered stuff that played before I was born. Some of these shows are better than the stuff they put on today! Like Cheyenne. I never knew about this show before. But the series is really good, and the actor Clint Walker has amazing presence that you just don't find in male actors today. Pretty cheesy in comparison. Also watch corny Gene Autry (it's fun though) and Maverick (my husband's current favorite). We used to watch The Rifleman and Bat Masterson, but they switched those out for the ones we have on now.

God sure doesn't make 'em chiseled like Clint Walker anymore, or so amazingly perfectly classically beautiful like Sophia Loren or Raquel Welch.

For myself, I choose to watch British Comedy. Are You Being Served?, Vicar of Dibley, As Time Goes By, and Keeping Up Appearances are my faves.
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Post by MargoPongo Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:21 pm

I'm watching V because I watched it when it was on back in the 80's. So far I am liking it.

I also watch House, Lie to Me, Survivor, Flash Forward (best new show by far), and Numbers. I watch a few others here and there, but those are the ones I make an effort to never miss. I loved Lost and Heroes, but got too far behind to catch up unless I finally get netflix, lol.


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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by Asynjur Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:55 pm

Glad to see I'm not the only one who still watches TV, LOL.

There's a remake of The Prisoner starting on AMC this Sunday. Hoping it's good, fingers crossed.

I watched V when I was young, so I had to check it out. My expectations weren't high. I record everything I seriously watch, too, m2m, so I haven't seen the second episode of yet. The first one wasn't as bad as I thought. It surprised me a couple times, which I figure is good given we basically know the story, LOL.

I'd prefer to have the TV on only when my full attention is on a show, but my husband is one of these people who has the TV on all the time and is a real channel flipper. He's been watching The Office and My Name is Earl in syndication, when he gets home from work. This is an improvement, since I don't know either of these series, and I don't have to watch shows I've seen a thousand times before! They are both funny at times. While watching The Office, I said, "How did this guy get to be the boss?" And Thomas started laughing and said, "You have to come to work with me sometime!" His kind of show, LOL. He really loves the movie Office Space, too. I probably like Earl a little better.

I like sci fi and fantasy series the most, also a few cop shows. Some of my all time favorite series are the Star Trek shows, Farscape, Angel, X-Files, Stargate, etc. We watch Monk and Psych. I'm not disappointed Monk is ending, though, I thought the first seasons were the best. Sometimes I watch Law and Order, but I haven't for a long time. More recently we've watched some of the episodes of The Ghost Whisperer on Syfy channel. Not everything I like is in those genres, enjoyed Queer as Folk for a while. I've seen a lot of episodes of House since Thomas likes it, he wishes more doctors thought "outside the box" LOL. It's grown on me a little.

I'm just babbling now, I guess I'll leave it at that. The whole GoPets thing got me wound up, haven't slept right since last Friday, overtired.

Last edited by Asynjur on Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by LittleDende Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:02 pm

My husband and I don't have TV, and haven't for years. ^_^ Not saying we don't have a TV... we just watch tons of rented and downloaded stuff.
I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, and I can't wait till The Waters of Mars comes out on the 15th!! I'm going to miss David Tennant so much. T_T
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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by niquae Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:33 am

I'm not a huge TV watcher. My mother claims that I was like that as a child. So there isn't a single show I watch regularly.

I do occasionally watch Japanese anime or two online.

Asynjur, I used to watch X-Files when I was younger. I never watched Angel because that was around the time I stopped watching TV regularly, and also because I had been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed.

m2m, I watched a few episodes of Jon & Kate plus 8 too. My sister convinced me to try it. I suppose I would have watched more but I didn't like Kate and I didn't watch to get addicted to it.

Is Heroes really that good? I actually purchased the first 2-3 episodes of the first season on iTunes when it first came out, but after the last episode I saw (either 2 or 3), I got so freaked out by that scene with what happened with that woman that I refused to continue watching it.

I think that the last show I watched whenever my sister watched it was Wife Swap. It was entertaining at first. Some of the things that parents do when raising their children boggle one's mind. However, it eventually got silly enough that I grew disenchanted with it.

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TV shows Empty Re: TV shows

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:15 am

LittleDende, I like Dr. Who, but we've lost touch with it now that it's not on Syfy channel anymore. (You might recognize the quote in my sig.) I guess I'll have to figure out where they left off and rent them. I watched the old Dr. Who episodes on PBS in college. My brother's friend was a real addict. Had cats named Nyssa and Adric, and wore a Tardis key around his neck, LOL.

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Post by yew Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:49 pm

I like to watch anime.. Currently watching Bleach and enjoying it so much! TV shows 158854
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