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The GoPets Forums are still alive. :/ Kinda strange but I'm not complaining. Everyone say bye while you still can! (Btw, you can only get to them through forum.gopetslive.com or forum.gopets.net - the www.gopets.com domain is completely dead)
KittyJuan- V.I.P.
- Posts : 104
Join date : 2009-10-10
Age : 31
Location : Seattle, WA
Wow! So you can! LOL
iku.gopetslive.com is also still live, so still a chance to grab those gadget graphics!
iku.gopetslive.com is also still live, so still a chance to grab those gadget graphics!
AndyShaeff- Lurker
- Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-11-05
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