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Pet Society 1gpaddicts

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Pet Society

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Pet Society Empty Pet Society

Post by demonesque Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:42 pm

The game I've found that most closely resembles GoPets is Pet Society, available on MySpace and Facebook. I see a lot of you already play, but for those that don't, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's 2D, but it's highly interactive. You feed, bathe, placate and clothe your pet. You have a house to decorate. You can fish and garden. You get money for visiting friends. The pets interact with is really great and the thing I find most closely resembles GoPets.


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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:21 am

I joined Facebook, well, one of my GoPets signed up, actually, LOL, she wanted a way to keep in touch with friends now that you can't visit her in the program anymore. Her name is Hodge Podge. I don't know how to add friends, really, only managed to add a couple from my email address book. She has a new Pet Society pal named Sprite. I've been trying to figure things out, but mostly I've managed to spend almost all of my coins, LOL.


I'm adding a link list I posted on page 7, so it will be easier to find:

There are lists for everything. But they are making it harder with the mystery boxes now, because they add a couple items and take out a couple items every week now. It helps if you check the Pet Society forum, but most of these links I just found googling. Let me see what links I have bookmarked..

The database Daeninn posted is great, if you have no idea what something is or where it comes from, you'll probably find it there. (But it's not the most up to date,says stuff is "in store" when it's a long gone This Weeks Special item, for example.) I usually go right to the search page -

The Pet Society blog is helpful, right now they have the new Mystery box items posted -

Here's a big general list of plushies -

The big list of mystery box items -

A list of the 999s -

The autumn fairy egg items with pics -

All the items you can grow in the garden -

Mystery items and potions info -

Fishing guide -

Petling guide (a very important link to me!) -

Oh, this is a wallpaper previewer that shows you what a wallpaper really looks like, you can't tell from the thumbnail in the store (unfortunately it doesn't have some of the new holidays ones and such, but it's better than nothing!) -

So that's just what I happen to have bookmarked, but you can pretty much just google whatever you're looking for. Like I just searched for "pet society snow white items" and quickly found a list with pics of everything in those eggs -

Last edited by Asynjur on Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Miticante Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:52 am

I love Pet Society! Your friends are added automatically, if they play PS in Facebook.

You earn coins mostly by visiting friends and running into trees and doing races....good luck lol. I was chronically broke the first 6 months I played it
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:43 am

I've earned coins by bouncing a ball off her head, lol, and from leveling stuff...

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:05 pm

Whoever sent me the mystery box, thank you! It had an executive chair. I can't find anything that tells me who sent gifts that are already opened..?

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Miticante Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:53 pm wasn't me, I keep forgetting to add you *does it nao* My pet has scads of stuff, since I have been playing a year lol. I'll hook you up
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:25 am

I think the gift was Daeninn. I found a notice. I sent a note. Smile

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:11 pm

When do visits turn over? I feel like I must have messed something up..

Edit: Nevermind. It wrapped around 7:30 pm my time for some reason. Cool

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:57 pm

In case anyone doesn't know, you get different fish when fishing with different kinds of food. There's still randomness to the drops, you might get a common fish or item, even though you are using a special or expensive food. But I try fishing any time I get a new food, any food I haven't fished with before. I got a turkey fish by fishing with one of the Thanksgiving food items, the pumpkin pie. (Not sure who sent the pie to me, but thanks! I wish there was a list of incoming and outgoing gifts like in GoPets.)

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:51 am

Giving away bunny slippers (extra pair), executive chair, faerie shoes (2 pairs).

Looking for the acorn lamp and the faerie tree shelves. Oh, and plushies! Pet Society Icon_cat

Last edited by Asynjur on Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:08 am

I now have a "Cute Blue Ribbon" baby blue head bow to give away, too, in addition to the items listed above. I have to stop buying stuff by accident when I just want to try it on. I get messed up because the button to press to exit the window when I can't afford it, which is most often the case, LOL, is like the button to buy it when I can afford it. I'll see the money subtract and think, oh crap, not again.. Needs an undo!

I also hate not having an auction house and COD option to find stuff you want and buy/sell from strangers without worries. And these faerie eggs and such make decorating tedious and random.

Oh, does the gift button work for anyone? Every since I found out that's the only way to get a rubber ducky, I've been trying to give rubber duckies to friends. But I just get an error page saying unable to connect to Pet Society. And if I click the retry, it just puts me in the game, I don't have the gift options anymore.

Edit: Also have an autumn faerie shirt to give away now.

Last edited by Asynjur on Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Daeninn Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:44 pm

Lol i now have 68 active friends that play PS from 170 something total.I used to visit them all to get as much coins as i could but now i am geting a bit bored with it.

It's sooo annoying that i can't get a stupid bronze sticker in the plushie collection so i can get the broze trophy.I have gotten silver and gold just not bronze.I think it's the panda one.

I like the autumn items but haven't started to collect them yet.Lol i have 1 empty room left which initially wanted to make spooky/whitchy type.But i just can;t get in the mood to decorate XD
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:53 pm

I was told on the Playfish forum that any combo of gold/silver/bronze will get you the bronze trophy, so if you mean you already have gold and silver for the same collection, it must be a bug. Here's the thread, a couple different people answered my question -

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by LittleDende Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:24 am

Hey! I just started this game. ^_^ Really like it!
Is there any way to add friends to PetSociety who are not friends with you on Facebook? I'd love to add all you guys!
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:21 pm

It's just your Facebook friends. The more friends you have in Pet Society, the better, since you make coins by visiting everyone on your list once a day.

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:24 pm

I gave away the autumn faerie shirt, and got the shelf! Yippee! Still looking for acorn lamp.

Edit: Gave away some other stuff, but I still have faerie shoes, faerie window, and cute blue ribbon (hair) to give away.

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:08 pm

Someone was asking me about leveling in Pet Society the other day, so I'm pasting in the tips I sent to her in case anyone is interested.

- Visit everyone on your friends list every night (and do the hug or dance or whatever). This gives you experience points (5) and coins (up to 30 depending on some things about the pet you visit). The more friends you have the more you make! This is another reason friend requests to the GoPets people they'll probably accept, since a lot of games on Facebook, the more friends playing, the better you do.

- Feed hungry pets! You get 17 xp and 2 coins each time you feed, whether you use a cheap food or an expensive one--so you want to use the cheapest food possible (5 gold) and just keep feeding until the pet is full. If you don't have hungry pets on your friends list at the moment, visit the pets you find in the coffee shop, you will usually find some hungry ones.

- You get xp from almost any activity, fishing, getting trophies, etc. But you only get 17 xp per trophy, no more than feeding a hungry pet, so you don't have to go out of your way to get trophies. I check which ones I'm close to, see if I can get one easily.

- I recently started doing the races, you can do 10 a day. Costs nothing to race, you get 30 gold for every win--more coins to buy food to feed hungry pets and level. I couldn't do it at first, but now I win a few races.

I haven't read much on the topic myself, so if anyone else has other leveling tips please post!

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:42 pm

I posted this on the Pet Society Facebook page, no reaction so far, LOL -

Several incidents of back injury have been reported since the Mayor sent everyone a massive snow globe holiday gift. Here are some reactions gathered by our Pet Society correspondent on the street - "What was he thinking! Picked that damn thing up and just *ooouch*" "A simple card would have sufficed, preferably one with a few coins in it!" "First he ignores our plea for health care reform, and now this! Time for a new mayor!" But more often the pets our reporter talked to just giggled.

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Daeninn Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:14 pm

Ahahaha.I hate that thing really,It's way too big so i have no place for it X_X

I really hate hollidays on this game lol.So many cool items i want to buy but not enough gold.The limited time thing is killing me Pet Society 636315

I still need to get 2 branches for my snowmen,plus the candy cane light,the wintery candelabra thingy no chance for the sleigh and not to mentin the cute penguin plushie from the boxes.GAh Pet Society 493585
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:31 pm

Right now my main focus is still just to get year round decor for my rooms. It's my view with any game when it comes to holidays, not to get too obsessed with stuff I'm only going to use for a short time. That's something to think about later, when I'm high level and have nothing else left to do, LOL.

I'm still hoping for a second acorn lamp (thank you to Margo for sending one!) And for any Japanese themed items I can't get in the store, like the bonsai. If anyone wants to trade, let me know!

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by MargoPongo Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:01 am

Oh great, there is a penguin plushie in the boxes? Sigh, which one? I have bought many of the biggest box but keep getting frogs. Now I like frogs just fine but I don't need 4 or 5 of them.


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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:34 am

Supposedly the expensive mystery box, but I think it's just a penguin you already have Margo? Scroll down and you'll see a little penguin in the mystery box list --

I'm going to have to forgo mystery boxes for a while. The sale items just changed to CLEARANCE sale items, and some of them I definitely want, maybe even in multiples, and it sounds like I won't be able to get them after the sale is over (I guess some of this stuff might eventually show up in mystery boxes, but as you know it's hardly a sure thing!) So I'll have to spend all my coins getting clearance items, no just get what you want decorating projects or mystery boxes for a couple weeks..

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by yew Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:05 am

Asynjur wrote:I posted this on the Pet Society Facebook page, no reaction so far, LOL -

Several incidents of back injury have been reported since the Mayor sent everyone a massive snow globe holiday gift. Here are some reactions gathered by our Pet Society correspondent on the street - "What was he thinking! Picked that damn thing up and just *ooouch*" "A simple card would have sufficed, preferably one with a few coins in it!" "First he ignores our plea for health care reform, and now this! Time for a new mayor!" But more often the pets our reporter talked to just giggled.

This is funny! Pet Society 339562

Daeninn wrote:Ahahaha.I hate that thing really,It's way too big so i have no place for it X_X

I really hate hollidays on this game lol.So many cool items i want to buy but not enough gold.The limited time thing is killing me Pet Society 636315

I still need to get 2 branches for my snowmen,plus the candy cane light,the wintery candelabra thingy no chance for the sleigh and not to mentin the cute penguin plushie from the boxes.GAh Pet Society 493585

Me too! I have so many things that I need to get, and some within the limited time, I hope I have more coins!! Pet Society 747302

By the way, I see that we can sell our stuffs, but how to view stuffs that others are selling?
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by Asynjur Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:22 am

The "Sell" thing is just selling it back to the game, like recycling was in GoPets. (Pet Society does have a trade forum, but it's messy, you have to friend the people you trade with, and they have problems with scammers like everything else, with something huge like like this game, I'm sure it's safer just not to get into it.) The Pet Society recycling doesn't give you coins, just recycling credit, but it takes forever to recycle enough to get to the prize boxes.

That "Sell" thing is one key to making more money. If you plant flowers, for instance, it costs 200 gold for the seeds, and the flowers sell for 208 (one kind sells for 230). So if you plant and resell all your flowers every day, you can make a good amount of gold. I have my front garden for flowers, and my back garden is the orchard, all trees. Some trees the fruit sells for 65 gold, and others it's 85 gold. You don't know how often you will get fruit, though, but over time the trees pay for themselves. Veggies are kind of a crap shoot because they can rot if they've been in the ground too long (not a set time, it's random) so I just don't bother with those. Cooking is also a way to make profit, each recipe says right on it how much gold you will make (sell price minus cost).

I'd like to set up a Pet Society trade that's just friends so it's safe, but I haven't gotten much response when I post what I'm looking for and what I have to give away in this thread. I think they're aren't enough Pet Society players coming by this forum to have a chance to find someone who really needs what I have, or has what I need, to complete decor or whatever. I've tried posting on Facebook directly, but the notices grow old pretty fast, and I don't want to post over and over because it sounds like I'm begging for stuff and that's not the point--I'm really just looking for some kind of trade venue.

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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

Post by yew Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:36 am

I didn't know about this, these information are so useful, Thanks!^^ I went to the forum and read a thread, the title is "Pet Society - Frequently Asked Questions - Q1, Q3 & Q4 Updated!" One of the question there is "How do I make my pet poo?" Emm, my question is, what is the purpose for the poo, and why do we need to make our pet poo? Sorry for the silly question! Pet Society 55607
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Pet Society Empty Re: Pet Society

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