Bots 1gpaddicts

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Bots 1gpaddicts

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Bots Empty Bots

Post by niquae Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:27 pm

Under bots is Google. What does that bot do?

Posts : 333
Join date : 2009-10-10

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Bots Empty Re: Bots

Post by MrFritzy Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:47 pm

It just "references" the site to increase the knowledge of it, and give the most accurate & up-to-date information about this site.
In addition, when the Google Bot visit's, it also is giving you a "Cache" version of your site.

So this is harmless

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Bots Empty Re: Bots

Post by KittyJuan Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:03 am

MrFritz wrote:It just "references" the site to increase the knowledge of it, and give the most accurate & up-to-date information about this site.
In addition, when the Google Bot visit's, it also is giving you a "Cache" version of your site.

So this is harmless

Exactly. Search engines use software called robots or spiders that scan web pages. They view the page in the same way we do (except that they ignore all the pretty images and animations and focus on the source code and the text of the page) and then index the words that appear on the page in its database. When it comes across a link on the page, it follows it and indexes the page that the link leads to. Through this process it gathers the information needed to provide search results.

For more information on this topic see:

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Bots Empty Re: Bots

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