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Twitter Empty Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:17 pm

Not exactly a game, so feel free to move if this is in the wrong section...

Does anybody here have a Twitter account? If so, I'd love to follow you. (I am quite addicted to Twitter Twitter Icon_biggrin ) My Twitter username is iMeow.

GoPets Users Twitter List:

Last edited by KittyJuan on Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by crystalpower Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:58 pm

my twitter name is Amber_Starr5.


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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by ZaphodBeeblebrox Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:51 pm

hahaha i think i actually have a twitter... i never use it though. i believe my name is either ZaphodBeeblebrox, ZaphodBeeblebox or CatCat Laughing

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:16 am

ZaphodBeeblebrox wrote:hahaha i think i actually have a twitter... i never use it though. i believe my name is either ZaphodBeeblebrox, ZaphodBeeblebox or CatCat Laughing

Its ZaphodBeeblebox. Very Happy You only have one tweet! Razz

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Gankaku Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:33 pm

I've added you all. I'm Gankaku.
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:11 pm

It's not hard to find me, my name is Asynjur, as always, LOL.

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:27 am

I've added you all. Very Happy Thanks!

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by stooooooph Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:39 pm

my tweets are never "g" rated... i tend to curse a lot. but if you want to follow me, my id is stephcon Smile

...and i am now following all of you guys Smile

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:42 am

Taking advantage of Twitter's new "lists" feature, I have created a GoPets list with all the people that have replied in this thread. This makes it easy to quickly follow everyone on Twitter without having to visit each user's profile manually. The URL to the list is:

Below you can see a timeline of all the tweets tweeted recently by the people in the list:


EDIT: At the time of this writing, Twitter seems to be experience excessive traffic. You may be seeing the following message instead of the Twitter List.
Web Server: Too many connections!

Last edited by KittyJuan on Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:22 pm

Brent Spiner retweeted me today. I don't think any of my friends who follow him were on to see it, LOL.

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Wed May 26, 2010 2:58 am

I just created a Twitter account, my name is Firionna. More than welcome to add me ya!^^
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by niquae Wed May 26, 2010 4:23 am

I had created it - and left it. At the time I preferred Plurk. I still like Plurk but no one else I know is using it (anymore) so I don't have Plurk anymore either. What is the draw of Twitter?

Edit: Never mind. I decided to give Twitter a try again and find out for myself. lol. Username is niquae.

Edit#2: yew, tried to add you but username cannot be found?

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Wed May 26, 2010 5:26 am

Err.. I have no idea whats going on, still new there.. I searched for you and the only person appeared was Niquae Harris. Is that you?

My profile page is:

Hope this works! Sorry for the trouble and thanks for adding me! ^^
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Wed May 26, 2010 5:29 am

Ah!! I tried, and I found you! I've added you! Twitter 158854
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Wed May 26, 2010 11:34 am

I sent you guys a request. Would you like me to add you to the GoPets Twitter List (I am not even sure if that's possible with protected accounts)?

Just for interest's sake, though: Why have you two set your accounts to private? I always thought the whole point of twitter is to broadcast messages to the world. Maybe I am missing the point, though. Very Happy

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by niquae Wed May 26, 2010 4:31 pm

If you can add me to the GoPets Twitter List, then that is fine. Smile

As for the privacy option, I prefer a little privacy. Not everyone needs to use a social site the same way. Razz

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Buckeye Wed May 26, 2010 7:48 pm

I tried twitter but I couldn't quite get it! To me it feels like commenting on facebook, or facebook with only a comment system and friends Twitter Icon_razz I'm addicted to fb too much to leave it!

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Wed May 26, 2010 8:16 pm

Who said you would leave Facebook?! Some people have their tweets automatically posted to Facebook, too.

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by niquae Wed May 26, 2010 11:39 pm

I couldn't get Twitter at first either but now I'm trying it out again, it is not so bad - for now.

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Thu May 27, 2010 12:38 am

KittyJuan wrote:I sent you guys a request. Would you like me to add you to the GoPets Twitter List (I am not even sure if that's possible with protected accounts)?

Just for interest's sake, though: Why have you two set your accounts to private? I always thought the whole point of twitter is to broadcast messages to the world. Maybe I am missing the point, though. Very Happy

Thanks for your request! And yes, I'd love to be added to the Gopets Twitter List. Very Happy

Well, I'm still new to Twitter, trying to figure out what this site is really about. The way I see it, I thought of Twitter as a place where users can send instant messages to friends, instead of a place to broadcast messages to the world! LOL Since its a nice little chat/sharing between friends, and sometimes may involve little details about our daily life, I thought its good to keep it private from strangers, who, could be a hacker. I think Facebook has made me cautious about sharing things about myself publicly! LOL Further more, with so little knowledge about the site, I thought its safer to set it private first and see hows things work. In time, I may change my mind, who knows? LOL
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by KittyJuan Thu May 27, 2010 4:14 pm

niquae wrote:As for the privacy option, I prefer a
little privacy. Not everyone needs to use a social site the same way. Razz

Ah, just curious! Smile In fact I am continued to be amazed at the ways in which people use Twitter. So, you are right: Not everyone needs to use a social site the same way. Very Happy

Buckeye wrote:I tried twitter but I couldn't quite get it! To me it
feels like commenting on facebook, or facebook with only a comment
system and friends Twitter Icon_razz I'm addicted
to fb too much to leave it!

Twitter doesn't really revolve around "friends" like Facebook does. Think of Twitter like a blog about yourself, articles you have read and webpages you've visited. The difference is that Twitter posts are a heck of a lot shorter than a blog post - you can only say so much in 140 characters. Very Happy

The problem I find is that I find it more fascinating to read other people's tweets than to post my own. XD Hence why I haven't posted in such a long time. I love Twitter's search function ( - it's interesting to see what people are talking about.

yew wrote:Well, I'm still new to Twitter, trying to figure
out what this site is really about. The way I see it, I thought of
Twitter as a place where users can send instant messages to friends,
instead of a place to broadcast messages to the world! LOL Since its a
nice little chat/sharing between friends, and sometimes may involve
little details about our daily life, I thought its good to keep it
private from strangers, who, could be a hacker. I think Facebook has
made me cautious about sharing things about myself publicly! LOL
Further more, with so little knowledge about the site, I thought its
safer to set it private first and see hows things work. In time, I may
change my mind, who knows? LOL

It is difficult for some to grasp the concept of Twitter but as I mentioned above, it is kind of like your personal blog where you post things about you and your interests. But really, Twitter is more than a blog. It is kind of like place a message in a bottle and letting it float off on the waves of the sea. Of course your followers get your messages but if one them retweets one of your tweets, for example, that person's followers will also see your tweet. Or, someone may find your tweet via the search function or in a treading topic.

You never really (or rather, I haven't) post anything personal on Twitter - only stuff you intend to share with the world. Very Happy

EDIT: Thanks to Asynjur I was able to add a whole whack of new GoPets users to

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Thu May 27, 2010 4:44 pm

One nice thing about Twitter is the versatility. Some people use Twitter to post very personal things to a limited number of people, a family text message network without having to redial and resend the same text message to everyone in the family. You can use it to follow friends or celebs and never say anything. A lot of people try to use it to network, make new business contacts, but I mostly find that annoying myself.

You can use it many ways, particularly now that you can make lists, private or public ones. I'm trying to decide how to rearrange--at one point I took a lot of celebs off my list, because it was annoying to have to scroll past so many tweets to find my friend's tweets (this was before lists). Then when they came out with lists, I ended up putting some friends on a list and I wasn't technically "following" them anymore because they were only on the list (I think anyone on a list should be considered a "follow"). But it would probably make more sense to unfollow the celebs and put those only on a list. Ah, well, don't want to sort through it today!

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Fri May 28, 2010 4:38 am

Asynjur wrote:One nice thing about Twitter is the versatility. Some people use Twitter to post very personal things to a limited number of people, a family text message network without having to redial and resend the same text message to everyone in the family. You can use it to follow friends or celebs and never say anything. A lot of people try to use it to network, make new business contacts, but I mostly find that annoying myself.

You can use it many ways, particularly now that you can make lists, private or public ones. I'm trying to decide how to rearrange--at one point I took a lot of celebs off my list, because it was annoying to have to scroll past so many tweets to find my friend's tweets (this was before lists). Then when they came out with lists, I ended up putting some friends on a list and I wasn't technically "following" them anymore because they were only on the list (I think anyone on a list should be considered a "follow"). But it would probably make more sense to unfollow the celebs and put those only on a list. Ah, well, don't want to sort through it today!

So we can make different lists to set some of the tweets to be private, and some for public? Happy to know about this!! Very Happy
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by yew Fri May 28, 2010 4:41 am

And thanks Asynjur, for sharing about the list! Very Happy
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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

Post by Asynjur Fri May 28, 2010 4:52 am

yew wrote:So we can make different lists to set some of the tweets to be private, and some for public? Happy to know about this!! Very Happy

No, it's just the list is either public or private, has nothing to do with your tweets being public or private. You can make a list to viewable to all, public, like the one KittyJuan has for GoPets people. Or you can make the list so only you see who you put on it. It doesn't change who can see what you tweet, or who can see what people on the list have tweeted, either.

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Twitter Empty Re: Twitter

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