I don't think anybody knows me, but... 1gpaddicts

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I don't think anybody knows me, but... 1gpaddicts

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I don't think anybody knows me, but...

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I don't think anybody knows me, but... Empty I don't think anybody knows me, but...

Post by audioburst Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:07 am

So I guess I'm back... At 1 in the morning. XD

I played GoPets years ago, and I still really miss it... *sigh*

Oh, EDIT - I used to be jaime1 on the game. Very Happy I think. XD I've since changed my username to AudioBurst for everything else...


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I don't think anybody knows me, but... Empty Re: I don't think anybody knows me, but...

Post by Asynjur Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:10 pm

Welcome! I'm glad that people are still able to find this forum. Even though not many people are posting, it can still act as a sign post, keeping the GoPets community from completely losing touch. I have a lot of GP friends on Facebook, I can send you a link if you use Facebook and want to be friends. My Twitter is in my sig. I check this forum for new posts once and a while. Glad you could make it!

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Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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I don't think anybody knows me, but... Empty Re: I don't think anybody knows me, but...

Post by audioburst Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:47 pm

I was actually very young when I began to play GP - so I can't recall much, even though I spent like, 100% of my time on it. XD

I actually don't have a Facebook, and I don't know if I'm going to make one. My sister recently moved to New York, so I was thinking of using FB as a way to keep in touch, but I'm still not sure since a lot of my friends have drama on there. >.>

I'll let you know if I make one and need the link, though, thanks! Very Happy


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Join date : 2010-05-26

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I don't think anybody knows me, but... Empty Re: I don't think anybody knows me, but...

Post by Asynjur Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:11 pm

I don't like Facebook, I have a lot of privacy issues with it, but my friends and family are there. I don't know a good alternative even if they were willing to move to another social site, and I imagine a lot of them wouldn't be willing to move anyway because all of *their* friends are on Facebook, lol. I use a fake name even though it's against the rules, so I could get kicked off at any time for that. To me it's worth the risk because I have to worry less about privacy, and if I get kicked I get kicked, but in the mean time I can build relationships there. I play some of the games sometimes, but it's best not to get too sucked into them!

Twitter doesn't have the same name restrictions, and at this point they don't have the ads and stuff, maybe eventually they will. It's true it's best for short messages, but you can post pics, and you can use it with twitlonger or a blog if you want to say more (just tweet a link to the longer message). You can make your posts public, or private so only people you let follow can see them. Some families keep in touch that way, plus it can be fun to follow some celebs, lol.

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Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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I don't think anybody knows me, but... Empty Re: I don't think anybody knows me, but...

Post by audioburst Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:26 pm

That's true. I did make a fake one under a fake name, but that was just because I was curious about it and my friend helped me. XD

I remember my two cats, Sienna and Aristotle... Sienna had a black/white custom jacket and a hat, I think, and Aristotle was a pure black cat decked out in a toga, Greek sandals, and a laurel... I miss them. Sad


Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-05-26

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