Hellooo all! 1gpaddicts

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Hellooo all! 1gpaddicts

Welcome to the GoPets Addict Forum.

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Hellooo all!

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Hellooo all! Empty Hellooo all!

Post by coralcream Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:36 am

Hello guys. I miss gopets so very much! Not sure if anyone would remember me(can't even remember my own username oops), but I played GoPets since 2006! I loved it so much, cause' it had so many unique features. Such as harvesting and Godance all in one GoPets client! Like many of you, i hope that I'll see it revive soon! I've never forgotten how fun forum games and contests were! It was definitely a game I came back to everytime! So hi! xD

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-09-24

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Hellooo all! Empty Re: Hellooo all!

Post by Asynjur Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:12 pm

Hello! Sorry this forum has been pretty dead. I still check here once and a while. If you are on Facebook or Twitter and want to be friends there, just let me know. There are quite a few GoPets friends on Facebook, and a few on Twitter.

Posts : 486
Join date : 2009-10-19
Location : Isle of Demons


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