PokéMon! 1gpaddicts

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PokéMon! 1gpaddicts

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Are you getting/have gotten HeartGold * SoulSilver?

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PokéMon! Empty PokéMon!

Post by ZaphodBeeblebrox Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:28 pm

I have a gaming obsession, a PokéMon gaming obsession!!!

I like to play Diamond & Perl Versions, but also old ones, such as Yellow

I am very much looking forward to the new games, anyone else?

we can chat here, and maybe even share battle codes *digs up diamond battle code*
for Diamond I am Sara♪ and my code is 1161 5574 4392

add me! or let's chat :3


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Age : 42
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PokéMon! Empty Re: PokéMon!

Post by niquae Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:58 pm

Ah! I don't have the old versions. My youngest sister used to have Yellow and Gold but she wouldn't let me save my game on Yellow and my other sister who was playing Gold wouldn't let me even play Gold. T__T

So basically my first Pokemon game was Diamond on the DS. I used to play it solely but my enthusiasm for it died when my other sister beat Pearl. She had gotten the game nearly a month after I did and completed the game within a month. But then again, I was working at the time and she was home from school for Winter Break....

I tried the Mystery Dungeon games but they weren't as interesting to me, and it seems like that is the only type of Pokemon DS game coming out lately.

I am currently playing Etrian Odyssey II and starting playing Animal Crossing again but I might pick up Pokemon Diamond again in the near future.

Posts : 333
Join date : 2009-10-10

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PokéMon! Empty Re: PokéMon!

Post by betzy809 Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:03 pm

i have pkmn platinum and finished it =3

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