Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :) 1gpaddicts

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Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :) 1gpaddicts

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Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :)

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Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :) Empty Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :)

Post by momtomaeghan Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:32 pm

OK, I watched Dirty Dancing the other day with Maeghan. She had never seen it and it was one of my favorite movies back in college. Remember the scene where Baby's sister sings the Hawaiian song she is practicing for the talent show? Well, it is totally horrible and obnoxious and funny as heck - and now I can't get it out of my mind. Here is the part that keeps cycling through my mind:
Hula Hana of Kamana Whala Hula Bay (yup, that's the name of the song)

Who's this Hula hana, of kamana whala hula bay, she will hula when you have a lovely gift she wants, you’ll hear her say,

Bring me a pineapple that doesn't sting, a bird that swims, a fish that sings, I wanna I really wanna,
Bring me a volcano that blows up all the molten jama and a blue banana,
I canna canna
and you can wackle all you wanna, while I hula all the day away,

All the boys of Okakokanoka Island, gather all the gifts that Hula Hana asks, they have combed their island home, fulfilling each one, and its worth it when they watch her shake her grass!

Any songs stuck in your heads lately?

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Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :) Empty Re: Songs that get stuck in your head and drive you crazy :)

Post by niquae Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:30 pm

No. I try to avoid getting songs stuck in my head. Smile

Posts : 333
Join date : 2009-10-10

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