For Those Who Are Married 1gpaddicts

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For Those Who Are Married 1gpaddicts

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For Those Who Are Married

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I am married to someone like my mother/father.

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Total Votes : 3

For Those Who Are Married Empty For Those Who Are Married

Post by niquae Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:12 pm

When I was working as an America Reads Tutor in a public school library, the librarian once told me that people tend to marry someone like their parents. For her, she had sworn never to marry a man like her father - and ended up doing exactly that. My mother laughingly agrees that this tends to be the case.

So I was wondering, for those who are married, do you agree with this?

For those who are not married, you can skip the poll and just add your opinion. Have you heard of this before?

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For Those Who Are Married Empty Re: For Those Who Are Married

Post by momtomaeghan Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:12 pm

I guess that would be true if you liked your father, lol. In my case, let's just say I'm very, very lucky to have married someone totally different from him. Smile

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For Those Who Are Married Empty Re: For Those Who Are Married

Post by Asynjur Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:18 pm

Sure, I've heard of it, it's one of those sayings as old as the hills. And I think people are even more apt to say a boy often marries a woman like his mother.

As for the truth of the matter, well, I guess it depends on what you mean by "like your father"--appearance, temperament, profession? It's one of those things that's apt to be true in one sense or another, just because any two people will tend to share a characteristic or two, and so people who want to believe it can often find their "proof"..

I have to agree with M2M a little here, sometimes you really don't want anyone at all like your father. It is a sad situation that sometimes people who have been abused by parents, will end up in abusive relationships as well. Perhaps they just don't have the self confidence or sense of self worth enough to leave, given their upbringing. If your parents are great people, on the other hand, marrying someone like your dad can be a good idea.

My husband shares some characteristics with my dad, but in other ways he's definitely the opposite. I share some physical resemblance to my mother-in-law, mostly that we are both short and have brown hair, but I'm not really like her in temperament (we do both happen to be night owls, though). My husband has only one sister, and she is married to a man that somewhat resembles their dad in appearance, so his family has an odd little similarity there.

But I can tell you the main reason I decided to talk to Thomas on the day I met him was because of his long, blond hair--and that couldn't be more unlike my dad!

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For Those Who Are Married Empty Re: For Those Who Are Married

Post by niquae Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:01 am

I guess I interpret it to mean someone who is like your parent in temperament.

As for myself, I am hoping to marry someone unlike my father. I want someone who won't take me for granted, is not pigheaded and short tempered.

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For Those Who Are Married Empty Re: For Those Who Are Married

Post by Asynjur Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:33 pm

Sounds like a plan! Good luck! Smile

I think sometimes people marry someone who is maybe a "nicer" version of a parent. Like if there are a few things about your dad you do like, but you don't want someone like him in other ways.

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For Those Who Are Married Empty Re: For Those Who Are Married

Post by Gankaku Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:17 pm

hehe I voted no. My husband isn't like my father. Both are good guys and pretty different I think.
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