FeralHeart and Arokai 1gpaddicts

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FeralHeart and Arokai 1gpaddicts

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FeralHeart and Arokai

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FeralHeart and Arokai Empty FeralHeart and Arokai

Post by Buckeye Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:41 pm

FeralHeart is a super upgrade from Impressive Title. You can customize your own lion or wolf and in a 3-d world you can join clans or packs and roleplay or simply chat. There's alot more to the game but you have to search around in the forums to find out because its a work in progress. The earliest release date would be the middle of summer.
Arokai is another customization game with owls, lions, wolves, deer, bears and even dragons. Its more complex than FeralHeart but its still under heavy construction. Check out the forums!

Both of these sites need more active members! Because the staff need support to help finish the games Smile

Arokai Forums

FeralHeart and Arokai 19731_500sqImpressiveHearts forums

Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-05-09
Age : 28

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