Your Sound of the Day 1gpaddicts

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Your Sound of the Day 1gpaddicts

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Your Sound of the Day

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Your Sound of the Day Empty Your Sound of the Day

Post by LittleDende Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:06 am

Here is your GoPets Sound of the Day!


(I really wish I could embed this... if anyone knows how, do please let me know! I have the code to embed, but this board rejects it, or makes it all weird.
Here's the code I have:

[img(0px,0px)][url=*xJmx*PTEyNjg1NjQzMzI*MjkmcHQ9MTI2ODU2NDM*ODg5OCZwPTEwMjI2MSZkPSZnPTEmbz*wZGY2ZWE4OTkxNjc*Zjg4OWFl/MDNlODFkMDliMDUyMyZvZj*w.gif]*xJmx*PTEyNjg1NjQzMzI*MjkmcHQ9MTI2ODU2NDM*ODg5OCZwPTEwMjI2MSZkPSZnPTEmbz*wZGY2ZWE4OTkxNjc*Zjg4OWFl/MDNlODFkMDliMDUyMyZvZj*w.gif[/url][/img][url=[url=]Download[/url] GoPets - Gopetssound1[/url]
Does anyone know if I can make this work here??
Here's what actually happens if I put htis code in:
[img(0px,0px)]*xJmx*PTEyNjg1NjQzMzI*MjkmcHQ9MTI2ODU2NDM*ODg5OCZwPTEwMjI2MSZkPSZnPTEmbz*wZGY2ZWE4OTkxNjc*Zjg4OWFl/MDNlODFkMDliMDUyMyZvZj*w.gif[/img]Download GoPets - Gopetssound1[/url] )

Okay, enjoy your Sound of the Day! ^_^
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