Help my sister's adoption, and...! 1gpaddicts

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Help my sister's adoption, and...! 1gpaddicts

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Help my sister's adoption, and...!

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Help my sister's adoption, and...! Empty Help my sister's adoption, and...!

Post by LittleDende Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:48 am

My sister and her husband are in the process of adopting their second child, and they could really use some support!

They've signed up for a fundraiser where people can buy fair-trade coffee, and half the amount goes toward their adoption fund, and the other half goes to fund schools for orphans in Ethiopia! And you get delicious coffee! Everyone wins! =D
Oo, that was a lot of exclamation marks...

The link, if you want to check it out, is here:

If you live outside the USA, though, it might not be worth it for you, as shipping gets expensive. =( Apparantly it's pretty cheap for in-US, and two bags have the same shipping cost as one bag.

Oh, P.S., the baby will not be named Fuschia. ^_^ That's just what their daughter has decided to name her. ~_^
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Help my sister's adoption, and...! Empty Re: Help my sister's adoption, and...!

Post by Daeninn Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:25 pm

Oh good luck.Hope everything will work out Very Happy
Tumbling Fiend
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Help my sister's adoption, and...! Empty Re: Help my sister's adoption, and...!

Post by niquae Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:54 pm

Wow, all the listed coffee sounds good! Good luck!

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