How Many Snaps do You Have? 1gpaddicts

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How Many Snaps do You Have? 1gpaddicts

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How Many Snaps do You Have?

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by LittleDende Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:22 am

Just curious as to how many Snaps everyone has?

These are, of course, all the screenshots that you took from the game, and can be found in your Documents, then GoPets.

From my new computer I have taken 5046, and my previous computer had 1890.

How many did you guys take??

All I know is I have a lot of picture posting I have to do! How Many Snaps do You Have? Icon_smile

Last edited by LittleDende on Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by Daeninn Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:34 am

OMG that's alot of snapsHow Many Snaps do You Have? 339562 I lost count since my old pc went poof and with it the screenies i took in my first 2 years of GP How Many Snaps do You Have? 718404

I think i have now around 300 maybe more.I should count them one of these days lol
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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by niquae Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:03 pm

Shocked Definitely not as many. I have since deleted some. I have them all saved on my external HD which is a pain to set up since it's an old one that requires it to be hooked up to a power adapter, etc. In other words, I don't know and I cannot be bothered to count. Very Happy One of these days I will try to get them up though.

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by Asynjur Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:51 pm

I kept adding more folders of GoPets photos because it was just so many to keep track of--I just glanced at the totals for each folder now and it's around 12,000 snaps altogether.

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by LittleDende Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:38 pm

Wow, Asyn, you'll definitely have to post some of those pics sometime! Smile
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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by Asynjur Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:48 pm

Well, some of them are just clothing snaps I did to post in my trade thread back when I was doing customs. But there are a lot of cute pics, too. I just haven't been that motivated to sort through them. Every time I post a GoPets picture on Facebook, at least one person says it makes them sad. I do plan to post more from time to time, though. Smile

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by betzy809 Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:14 pm

Surprised i have no snaps computer didnt take pics...T.T

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by pandas07 Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:17 pm

12,000 pics?!! 5000 pics?!!
Wow, I have no where near that much. I have about 1000+ pics, but a lot of it is pictures of my stuff. And also some of my 4 pets. How Many Snaps do You Have? Icon_smile I hope to post some of these pics soon.
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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by Buckeye Sun May 09, 2010 1:26 pm

I don't have any! How Many Snaps do You Have? 718404
I played GoPets on my dads computer, and I went back there one day to see it layed out in parts on the floor. That was after it had closed, and EVERYTHING I had is gone T.T

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How Many Snaps do You Have? Empty Re: How Many Snaps do You Have?

Post by Chiswick Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:57 pm

I think I have around 20 from the last month of GoPets... I never thought of keeping most of my screenies around since they took up a lot of space, so I deleted most of them...
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