Chat day anyone? 1gpaddicts

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Chat day anyone? 1gpaddicts

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Chat day anyone?

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Chat day anyone? Empty Chat day anyone?

Post by Daeninn Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:23 pm

So lately i've been missing the GP chat a lot.Feels very lonely without it and eveytime i come by here there is noone to chat with.

So i was hoping we could set a day and time to be online and chat.I would like to see what everyone is doing.I do chat with some ppl on FB or IM but you know it's just not the same Razz

What do you guys think?Just post a day and time that would be good for you and we'll see from there.Ah yes and your time zone XD
Tumbling Fiend
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Chat day anyone? Empty Re: Chat day anyone?

Post by pandas07 Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:43 pm

Great suggestion, I hope this will maybe bring back some inactive users. Chat day anyone? Icon_wink
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Chat day anyone? Empty Re: Chat day anyone?

Post by LittleDende Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:11 am

I would love to have something like this - I certainly wish there were more people on to chat with here more often.
Unfortunately, I don't know that I'd ever be able to plan a time and stick to it... T_T
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Chat day anyone? Empty Re: Chat day anyone?

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