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New Chat 1gpaddicts

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New Chat

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New Chat Empty New Chat

Post by MrFritz Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:05 pm

I have created a new chat.

This chat will load in a separate window so you can leave the forum. The best part is, it will not time out!!

It can be loaded by clicking on the banner on the forum portal page.

If you would like you can download this toolbar to get access.

New Chat Bar

You can also copy and paste this link in a separate browser window.

I added small chat windows on the forum sidebars also.

I hope this will help bring us all back together again.

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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by FreedomDeep Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:31 pm

Loving the new chat Fritz!

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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by LittleDende Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:10 am

Hey, I really like it! I finally got to chat with some people - Tragedy and Hick - just like old times. Smile
The tool bar is really great; makes the chat box a lot more convenient.
Very GoPetsy! =D
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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by hickerson4611 Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:13 am

Fritz, I've been on the chat several times tonight - it was good talking to Tragedy and Little Dende! - but I've noticed that the list of users who are 'in the room' keeps changing, with people popping on and off and back on and off again every few seconds. I spent about 10 minutes in there asking, "Dende, are you here?" "Pandas, are you here?" "Is anybody here?" lol And nobody was ever there.


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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by niquae Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:17 am


I think one reason for people popping in and out could be that it reloads each time the person goes to a new page here on this forum.

Edit: Fritz, any possibility of being able to see who is online on chat with that toolbar?

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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by LittleDende Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:54 am

@hick - Well, I did keep the webpage open all night... so that was kind of my fault. ^_^;
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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by MrFritz Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:02 pm

If you are on the chat and the forum you might show up twice. If its better for most I will take it off the forum. I think it is better as a stand alone.

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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by MrFritz Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:03 pm

niquae wrote:

Edit: Fritz, any possibility of being able to see who is online on chat with that toolbar?

I dont think there is but I will check. I know it will blink red if there is someone on.

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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by pandas07 Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:32 pm

hickerson4611 wrote:Fritz, I've been on the chat several times tonight - it was good talking to Tragedy and Little Dende! - but I've noticed that the list of users who are 'in the room' keeps changing, with people popping on and off and back on and off again every few seconds. I spent about 10 minutes in there asking, "Dende, are you here?" "Pandas, are you here?" "Is anybody here?" lol And nobody was ever there.
New Chat Icon_redface Sorry hick, I was away and when I came back I tried to reply but my chat couldn't reconnect due to lag. I was able to say "test" after I restarted my computer. New Chat Icon_lol
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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:43 pm

I love the chat! Is there a possibility that we can make seperate rooms? As we did before.
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New Chat Empty Re: New Chat

Post by Daeninn Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:14 am

Ohh love the new chat especially since you won't get kicked anymore Very Happy
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