the original iku fortunes 1gpaddicts

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the original iku fortunes 1gpaddicts

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the original iku fortunes

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the original iku fortunes Empty the original iku fortunes

Post by Asynjur Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:04 pm

I think this list was from the first fortune contest. They were lost in a database incident, although some were put back in. Sorry, I don't have any of the pics. Of course, this is the full fortunes, not cut off like after the iku changes.

01. jezzabelly - smiles much better than frowns
02. Gankaku - friends = family
03. starrstruck - don't judge book by cover / don't judge cat by fur
04. purplegoat - you will receive a fortune cookie
05. kazzeh - please don't take sunshine away
06. jezzabelly - time on gopets = lots of smiles
07. starrstruck - black cat cross path equals cat going somewhere
08. ChromeKitty - don't eat yellow snow
09. ChromeKitty - cherry blossom equals crazy dancing
10. ikbenik - money not make happy / love makes happy
11. nickymccloud - pets love boiled flatfish
12. MorningGlory - you are wise / use it generously
13. density - dream big touch clouds / act small not fly
14. Beani - watch out cat behind you
15. sugar - your smile bring happiness to many
16. Dralionos - hungry gopet makes poor man
17. Dralionos - ask computer question / get GoPets
18. GFailure - beware green cat
19. GFailure - good food / good music / good friends
20. aibopals - chocolate / food / divine
21. SeaHari - food = health / friends = life
22. okikoreagurl - bathe pet / it stink !
23. okikoreagurl - eat fortune cookies / gives luck
24. tinkerbeam - you will find great future love
25. gankaku - cat away mice play
26. gankaku - clean house result of broken computer
27. hyperflutterby - much coffee = crazy cat
28. pootlecat - chocolate = love / chocolate = life
29. PaperGirl - no talent is wasted
30. PaperGirl - all truth come in time
31. Asynjur - no monsters under bed tonight
32. jkscruggs - wax on wax off
33. Asynjur - love about money / sweet honey
34. jkscruggs - well done greater than well said
35. jkskruggs - love = friendship on fire
36. Noliai - spring bring happy sunshine
37. Asynjur - day dream / castle & Unicorn
38. Tiber - your gopets love you
39. Asynjur - swim with mermaids / fly with fairies
40. Kenobi - good always beautiful / beautiful not always good
41. sugar - he who wears clean clothes smells good
42. th8rgoddess - this fortune cookie will explode in 5 days
43. abby724 - dancing cats = earthquake come
44. Benji22 - everyone has something hidden
45. Benji22 - simple answer usually correct
46. Lavendera - candy = sweetest things in life
47. penguinchic26 - no bra = much freedom
48. Tinkerbeam - the sleeping fox catches no food
49. phobos - may this day be better than yesterday but worst than tomorrow
50. Tsuwa - if you can't be kind be quiet
51. wanderfound - good luck = hard work
52. sinthetic - what goes around comes around
53. criscola - new clothes same person
54. zcatzmeow - cat washing is not for the weak
55. waiteng74 - holeechow says please feed wonwon & boomer for me!
56. waiteng74 - holeechow says do not stand between dog & tree
57. SylverMoonLady - the road less traveled is that way for reason
58. renerene - good food = happy stomach = happy mind
59. Summernight - beware the cookie monster
60. Mazelnut - stinky socks are good for scaring monsters
61. boysb4flowers - on bad days remember gopets & smile
62. tezuka - eat fortune cookies but don't forget exercise
63. SylverMoonLady - your pet will go many places
64. SylverMoonLady - handful of patience is worth more than bushel of brains.
65. SylverMoonLady - ok to let fool kiss you but don't be fooled by kiss
66. midora - make friends...find treasure!
67. midora - moon not made of cheese!
68. Tygerlander - wild horses can't break true love
69. twistedbombshell - cheese before sleep bad dreams
70. maroulischic - you look good in red!
71. thequeenbee - have you hugged pet today?
72. StrawberryJubilee - sleep under cherry tree equals magic
73. StrawberryJubilee - look in magic well see your future
74. Tsuwa - be who you are and be that well
75. kabanna - cookies are yummy
76. beadguru - when life dark look for stars
77. notfragile - warm breeze bright sun = good day
78. Citrinia - drink much soda = bad teeth
79. Citrinia - swallow snake stomach ache
80. ShatteredPixie - if in doubt = don't
81. ShatteredPixie - friends = shelter from storm
82. vero - too much thinking hair goes white
83. elexinta - pets love eat sushi
84. Kajsa - best laugh = loudest laugh
85. GottaSneeze - talking with mouth full makes friends stomach empty
86. GottaSneeze - pen mightier than sword also easier to write with
87. zcatzmeow - act happy = feel happy = be happy
88. rdynac - every new idea looks crazy first
89. rdynac - paddle your own canoe
90. Shalott - be the change you want to see in your life
91. Tsuwa - dreams are whispers from your soul
92. excalibur - only dead fish swim with the stream

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the original iku fortunes Empty Re: the original iku fortunes

Post by Chiswick Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:41 pm

Oh boy, does this bring back memories. I remember #6 and #32 for sure! xD
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the original iku fortunes Empty Re: the original iku fortunes

Post by LittleDende Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:36 pm

I remember 18, 26, and 67 quite well. =D
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