GoPets Vacation Island..... 1gpaddicts

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GoPets Vacation Island..... 1gpaddicts

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GoPets Vacation Island.....

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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by sephrenia Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:08 pm

I has it!!

Okay so I had to download a DS emulator to be able to play it but at least it's GoPets in some form! *is a happy sephy now*

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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by LittleDende Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:38 pm

I'm going to try and buy it!
I hope I can a make a kitty similar to one of my old ones...
But we can all exchange Friend Codes, and then play together... right?? O_o

How is it, is it fun? Is it kinda like regular GoPets? Do you get land and multiple pets and stuff? ^_^
Hope I can play soon. =D
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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by Asynjur Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:04 am

You can't hook up with other friends anymore, unfortunately, you only play alone. Konami stopped supporting the server for it months ago. I only know because there was a thread about it on the GoPets forum before it disappeared.

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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by LittleDende Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:16 am

Awe. =(
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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by sephrenia Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:35 am

I thought it was a bit weird at first because you get interviewed to see what pet is best for you but it's a lot like normal GoPets was only in miniature. I don't know that you can get lands yet because I haven't had much time to play it but you get your own bungalow thingy that you can decorate which is awesome!

I am kinda stuck on how to find keys to unlock other parts of the map though so if anyone knows how to find them I would appreciate it if you could let me know!

I like the mini games but it's hard to do some of them with the stylus (maybe it's because I'm not used to DS controls yet) but I still adore it!

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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by LittleDende Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:37 pm

You get keys by befriending other "users". (They aren't real people, not in single player mode.) Just send a friend request to every user you come across, and pretty soon you'll unlock a bunch of areas.

So, I just bought this game today. It's alright... but I think the best feature about it is that it supposed to be really multiplayer, like the real GoPets.
But, has adding friends and visiting other users been completely removed? Or just some certain wi-fi based games? Cause I can't get it to connect at all, and I think playing just single-player is going to be really... not so fun. U_U
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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by Asynjur Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:56 am

There's no server to connect to

Edit: somehow Google came up with the last page of the thread from the GoPets forum, so I figured I might as well post that, too (it won't load now, but somehow I did see it)

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GoPets Vacation Island..... Empty Re: GoPets Vacation Island.....

Post by huyendung Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:29 pm

I must have that DS game! I hope I can replicate my wittle kitties as much as possible! Would that be possible?..... GoPets Vacation Island..... 722211
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